939 26 14

Y/n= Your name
L/n= last name
e/c= eye colour
h/c= hair colour
h/l= hair length
f/c= favourite colour


No childhood trauma- check✅

For those who don't know what childhood trauma is well, its basically when an emotionally unstable mother holding a kettle full of boiling water chasing you around the house to burn your face exists. (if yk what I mean) Instead I've had a childhood where parents who lovingly and caringly raise you exist. I have a naughty little sister who never listens to me and does what other annoying little sisters do, COMPLAIN.(I'm sorry for all the younger siblings who are reading this. Please don't cancel me) Well that's my life summed up.


I hum, pacing around the room as I put on a few discreetly hidden blades on my clothes. I had to pack light not wanting to carry any bags the whole trip. Yeah, for me it was just a trip. The hunter's exam. My parents trained me especially for it. I bid my goodbyes and I leave my house. Of course I already knew the first exam site, perks of being the kid of two pro hunters.

~ Timeskip brought to you by shoto not giving a fuck about his father~

// NO ONE'S POV //

Y/n reached the restaurant beneath which the hunter exam is supposed to be held. She entered the restaurant where the waiter asked her "what would you like?" politely.
She knew better than ask him for food so she told him the secret password for which she was told to enter the room at the end, turning out to be an elevator leading her to the sewer I mean the exam site. A green bean-human thing came to her and held out a batch for her which she gladly accepted. The no. on the batch was 100.


After collecting the batch I went to a corner of the dimly lit tunnel and sat there. I was scanning through the crowd to look for any possible competitions. I could sense nen, it was faint so a normal nen user would never make it out. I learned nen at the age of 10. I had been using zetsu since I left my house. Now as I mention it, I do find some people interesting here like the man with pins all over- wait.. wtf is he Illumi Zoldyck from the elite assassin family, I mean I may be wrong but I have a feeling that he is who I think he is. Welp if he is Illumi Zoldyck then I better not stare. The clown with hot pink hair looks interesting as well. Huh? What's that white soft thing amongst the crowd? I have to check that out right now.

So I got up and walked casually near the white fluffy hair?? that I could see. When I got closer I saw a boy who looked my age with white hair, pale skin and mesmerizing ocean blue eyes which made him look like a human cat standing with a skate board. So I walked up to the boy with a lazy hand wave and a grin plastered across my face.

// NO ONE'S POV //
(dunno why the hell am I changing povs so often)

"Heya there marshmellow." She said. Killua blushed ever so lightly due to the nickname but regained his posture as soon as he lost it. With an irritated face he said," What do you want, idiot?" in a tone which told y/n to get lost.

She got the hint but yet tried to make a conversation with him in which she succeeded. "My, my no need to be so rude albino head." "Killua. Killua's my name not marshmallow or albino head, stupid."

"Y/n l/n, that's my name. Nice to meet you Killua." She said with a soft smile. Killua was a little taken back because he thought she'd retort or something but now he made a mental note to expect the unexpected from you. Although the next sentence that she said made him forget about his mental note and get shocked (again). She said," Ne, let's be friends, alright?" Killua stood there mouth agape.

'Did I hear her right?
She said she wanted to be friends? She's the first one to offer me her friendship. Am I imagi-'

A voice pulled me out of my thoughts "Killua. EARTH TO KILLUA. GODDAMNIT, ARE YOU ALIVE??!!!"

"I-idiot of course I am alive."

"I might as well mention that what I just said was a statement, not a question." She said the latter in a rather demanding tone so I just replied with a nod as I was still in a state of shock by what she said.

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