Exploring X The X Ship

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........................ NO ONE'S POV .........................

Now all the remaining participants got in the airship for phase 3. The bean-person introduced himself as Beans. He added that they will reach the next phase at 8 am tomorrow. Then, Gon and Killua asked you to come and explore the ship with them. You gave them your bright smile that could rival Gon's and said, " Obviously I'll come bcoz if not then who's gonna keep you two out of trouble." in a chirpy voice which in turn made them sweat drop. As you all were exploring Killua got an idea, "Gon, Y/n lets go into the kitchen and bring some food. I'm hungry." "We could always go to where the others are to eat." Gon said. "That's borriiinnggg." Albino whined. "Ya Gon. That's boring. Lets go and steal food from the kitchen. It'll be more fun than directly eating like everyone else." "But Y/n, you were the one who was gonna take care of us bcoz you wanted us to stay out of trouble, right?" gon bby said. "Naaa. I think you can take care of yourselves." Ya'll entered the kitchen in ninja style. But then, Killua and Gon were caught and kicked out of the kitchen. Though both of them had a big turkey leg in their hands. They were wondering where you were and that's when you came out of the kitchen while holding a lot of food stuff in your hands. By lot I mean lot bcoz you were holding a big chocolate cake, two turkey legs, sausages and what not. They were dumbfounded and gawking at you. "What? I'm just eating, its not a crime." and shrugged in the end.
You were exploring the ship, but you always felt eyes on you the whole time, so you gave all the food you brought to the two hungry idiots and reached for your pockets where you kept your knife, just to be safe. "Woooww. Kifua, Y/n whook hefee. It's Beaufiful." Gon said with his mouth full. So you followed him to the window and were in awe at the scenery in front of you. After seeing the city look like jewels. That's when you realized you had to call your parents. You excused yourself from the duo and went to a different passage before which you spared them a worried glance bcoz you could still feel the eyes but you thought you'll be gone just for sometime so nothing could go wrong, right? You dialed your mother's no. but no one picked up, strange bcoz they would always pick up calls whenever they left you alone, even at the house. So you dialed your father, but yet again no response. You started having a bad feeling about all this, but you knew that your parents weren't any normal people. They were nen users who were also pro hunters. They might be busy in something so you could always call them later. But still you called them twice before you gave up coz you had no luck as well you sensed blood lust so you hurried back, but the boys were nowhere there.

Sorry readers if this chapter sucks
And sorry again coz this is a short one
You just read 541 words

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