Hurting X Him

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Hey, I just wanted to make this quick before you start reading. I unfortunately will be keeping this book for haitus for a little while which means I'll be staying inactive on here. That's all, stay safe :)

// NO ONE'S POV //

It's been a month since you returned back home and Daichi's condition kept getting worse. The rashes on his skin started slowly but surely increasing. You could only imagine what he must be going through. Nonetheless, you were there with him in his journey, wishing him to get better.

"Daichi wake up its time for you to take your meds." you said. He started sleeping a lot now a days. Probably because of the weakness from all the medicines.

He didn't move. Just kept sleeping, his chest rising and falling slowly in a rhythm. He looked peaceful. But you had to wake him up. So you shook him awake. "Daichi, I swear to God if you don't wake up then-" you stopped comprehending on what you should say that'll make him sit up straight. "..... I'll eat the spaghetti mom made for you all by myself." you stated after a pause. You'll have to admit that you didn't know to cook. It wasn't your Forte, yeah your mom did try to teach you cooking but that would end up with either your parents eating over cooked food or you burning the turkey. So you stayed out of the kitchen as much as possible. But you did know the basics, enough for survival.

He woke up with a start. "Spaghetti? Where's spaghetti?" it was as if he's finding his lost girlfriend that didn't even exist. Then his eyes fell on you and at the medicines you were holding. With a groan he fell back onto the bed and cursed in a low voice. All you could hear were some incoherent whispers.

"Hey! Don't look so disheartened. You know I brought you meds bcoz your ass can't get out of bed." again he just whispered something you couldn't understand. Then he spoke, loud enough so you could hear, "Give me the damn medicines already."

You handed them to him with a defeated sigh. "There." he practically gulped down the pills with water. "You cool now?"

Smiling, you replied "Yes."


In the midst of all this you lost contact with Gon and Killua. So you decided to call them later today but to your surprise they were the ones to come unannounced. Of course, you were delighted to see them again but not shocked. To be honest, you were kind of expecting them to arrive as your parents already informed you that the greed island was won by Gon. They knew because they were pro hunters and had news about almost everything that's going around. As happy as you were on seeing Gon, there was an unfamiliar aura when you saw Killua. Words couldn't describe how you felt.

A familiar scent but long awaited.

His ceruleans told you just how much he missed you. The mixed emotions of confusion, love and worry that filled his eyes were a contrast to the happy face of his. An almost platonic look which made you rethink if it was really love or just the satisfaction of seeing a friend after a long time. Either ways, the worry that you saw in his eyes or thought so as such was probably because of how weak you looked.

Your eyes looked dull and tired because you are always worrying about Daichi. The thought of losing Daichi was overwhelming. The stress made you a little ill too. You couldn't get enough sleep because the thought of Daichi's well being tortured you to a point where you swore you could feel your heart aching really bad. Every night, you closed your eyes hoping he gets to see the sunlight once more.

It was truly fascinating how this precious gift ; life, is given away freely to every creature alive but its true value is only learned when one faces the hardships that the truth and beauty about life unfolds. It is for a fact that the purpose of being born and whether or not this is all worth it in the end when one has to leave all that they earned, behind, is certainly an enigma. The different experiences that one goes through in life, the ups and downs, why does it teach us so much only for it to be gone, be a part of a lost puzzle forever?

But one thing you knew for sure, that whatever happens cannot be changed, the outcome is always the same. So instead of being sad, you decided to keep yourself and Daichi as happy as you could but the weariness of overdoing yourself was easily evident on your face. "Hey." that's all you could say to them. Gon rushed to hug you and killua followed suit. Gon started laughing when he tackled you down, making you hurt your head a little but you were fine with it. Killua helped the both of you up to your feet and just extended a hand which you shook, respecting his decision. Your parents greeted them as well and then you took them to your house where yashiro was playing with Hoshi (the cat Daichi gave you.) She greeted them and you told them to freshen up and meet you at Daichi's while you hurried back to his room to tell him about their return.
"So, you're back?"

"Killua and Gon have returned."

"Hangout with them. They must have a lot to tell you about, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but I think they should share it with you too, don't you think? I mean you are my best friend so."

Daichi somehow looked pissed. He tried to sit up and you went to help but he slapped your hand away. "Don't you realize?" he said that through gritted teeth.

"Realize what?"

He scoffed as if stating the obvious. "I don't want to be your friend anymore."


"Yes I like you. It's that simple. But you've turned a blind eye towards me. You can't see anything expect for brotherly love for me. And I don't like that. That's not what I want. What I want is for you to see me differently. I know that this might ruin all the years we spent together but I don't care because I'm gonna die anyway. " he said so while crying.

Your eyes softened. "You know Daichi, I've known that for quite some time now. I just didn't want to tell you about this but I just can't and you know why."

"Is it because I'm going to die that you're tired of me now?" fresh tears started to stain the ones on his cheeks. This didn't make you feel any better. "I- I'm sorry." you slowly hugged him and held him close to your chest. He slowly stopped gasping and hiccuping. He was asleep. "I'm so so sorry Daichi." kissing his forehead you gently placed him back down and kissed his forehead leaving the room.


"Yes I like you. It's that simple. But you've turned a blind eye towards me. You can't see anything expect for brotherly love for me. And I don't like that. That's not what I want. What I want is for you to see me differently. I know that this might ruin all the years we spent together but I don't care because I'm gonna die anyway. "

"You know Daichi, I've known that for quite some time now."

She what?

Of course, how dumb can I be. Obviously she likes him. He treats her just the way she deserves. I pulled my hand back that was resting on the doorknob. They needed a private moment. As much as it hurts, I probably am not meant for her. She's too good for me. I left the place with my head hanging down.

You just read 1325 words.

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