Bad X At X Cooking X But X Good X With X Luck

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........................ NO ONE'S POV .......................

Y/n and the others were standing in front of a huge door. The door opened and you were prepared to face what's in store for you but that enthusiasm died as soon as you heard Menchi's voice who was supposedly your next examiner. Why the bright smile died down you ask?? Well bcoz you had no fucking idea about cooking. You were worse than a noob in cooking. Then you zoned out until you heard a rather huge sound which sound like a stomach grumbling. That's when Buhara said, "I'm famished!!" The rookies started laughing as to how cooking help to become hunters. Then Menchi decided that the needed ingredient would be pork. You smirked bcoz you knew that there was just one type of pork here "GREAT STAMP". Then Buhara banged?? on his stomach which meant the phase started. So you started running beside Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika. Then when ya'll reached a slope Gon slid down and you followed. Then suddenly Gon stopped and you bumped into him. And Killua into you. Then the gentleman that he was he didn't want you to be hurt so he held you and had the impact of Kurapika and Leorio bumping into his back. Then you asked Gon in as polite tone that you could muster and tried to not swear while blushing profusely bcoz Killua held you from behind by your waist and hadn't left yet(😏) , "Gon, why'd you stop?" He only replied with an arrow pointing forward and said, "Found them." Then you peeked over his shoulder and realized what he meant. Leorio for the first time spoke in a whisper yelling manner, "They are chewing on bones??!!" But even that whisper yelling caught the attention of one pig who started chasing you immediately. You yelled, "RUN." And no one obliged and started doing just what you said. You knew their weak point but didn't attack. Gon did. He swung his fishing pole and hit the pig's nose but that hit didn't affect the pig. So you did this amazing back flip and with a kick broke his NOSE!! Yas queen, you heard me right. You broke his fucking nose. The most strongest part of the body which masked his soft spot. You picked him up like he was just a bag pack and not a fucking huge ass pig who you just broke the nose of which killed him. Meanwhile, some rookies were looking at you like they saw a ghost. Some had pale faces. some had jaw drops. Some were uninterested (only Illumi) while some *cough* only Hisoka I mean *cough* was licking his lips and bending backwards in pleasure?? eww whatever. You just ignored it and walked past them all. Menchi and Buhara were surprised to see you as the first enter through the gate.

They asked you for your name. "I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you" you said fake smiling bcoz you knew you were gonna fail badly as Menchi was pissed off by the rookies making fun of the gourmet hunters and not taking it seriously. You knew she could act like those little annoying asshole brats who need what they want and if not then they'll start irritating you when she's pissed off. Plus you being not able to cook didn't help much too. "Oh the L/ns. No wonder you came in first." Menchi said whilst Buhara only nodded in agreement. You went to your station and looked around to see a few participants cleaning and cutting the pork. So you just followed. While cooking, you tried not to burn the pork bcoz one thanksgiving you tried to make turkey without anyone knowing which was successfully burned and your parents had to buy new once again and cook it themselves. Now just like you thought Menchi was failing each and everyone without even tasting any while Buhara passed all. You saw a random grass growing and tried to make it look good and chopped some to garnish. You doubted your decisions bcoz you thought it could poison her if she tasted and not then maybe Buhara could be poisoned. But it was worth a shot, no it wasn't. But then again, you were not having a bad feeling in the gut so you bought up the dish. Menchi decided to taste it, your heart started beating faster and faster by each passing second. Then she took a bite and she started laughing. Well, only you get publicly humiliated while the others were just failed. So much for putting efforts but at least it didn't poison her. But what she said shocked you. She said, "Its just what I'd expect from a L/n. I. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE. IT. You pass with flying colours no. 100" Buhara agreed. You were the only one who passed. You were happy that your first cooking made a choosey eater like Menchi happy but sad bcoz your friends failed. Then the other rookies started giving you glares which you only replied with a middle finger raised towards them and a smirk. Then the rookies started arguing with the examiners. You only yawned and zoned out (again). You seriously have to do something about yourself zoning out frequently. The only time you came back to reality was when chairman netero jumped out of a fucking air ship which was at least 30 feet off the ground. Then they decided to not fail everyone and give all of them a second chance to boil eggs which were to be collected from Mountain Split in half and requested to be taken from Netero's air ship on which he agreed.


You passed the first time so the others collected eggs while you sat there eating an already boiled egg which Menchi politely bought you an extra when she went down to bring one for herself. When the others were up, you had finished yours buy still you were hungry. As Killua was done boiling his egg, you smirked lightly bcoz you knew from whom exactly you were going to take a few bites. You went to him while he enjoyed his egg oblivious to the one certain h/c nette coming towards him. You came to him and poked his cheek and said, "Ne ne Killlluuuuuuaaaa. You like like me, right??" Killua spat out the egg he was chewing. He turned to you wide eyed and stuttered, "W-what d-do yo-you me-mean I like like y-you. B-b-b-baka." You only thought 'Cute how he could lie even if it is so obvious, but I won't stretch it since he's the one who's gonna confess not me if he does that is and that's not why I'm here right now.' "Kill, can I have a few bites of your egg?" you asked him like you didn't just leave him stuttering, a blushing mess and a really fast beating heart a few seconds ago. He obviously wanted to change the topic so he nodded. You took a few bites and left. He thought for sometime and then blushed a deep crimson and bit the places you bit. 'Indirect kiss. Wait, why am I doing this? Do I really love her?' this thought left him confused. But this didn't go unnoticed by a certain pair of emotionless eyes which belonged to Illumi. 'Love, huh? I'll kill her right away but I can't blow my cover just ye. I'll kill her sooner or later anyway.' Now only 43 participants remain including you.

~Nyurufufufu, young love. This will be a really good book. A girl whose famous having a lot of reputation and a boy whose meant to kill. An emotionless big brother who disapproves completely and would kill her.
AUTHOR-CHAN: What are you doing here, Koro-sensei. Go back to your students.
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