Home X Sweet X Home

107 7 1

n/n - nickname
f/f - Favorite flavor

// NO ONE'S POV //

Ya'll were almost by your house now. (There's some fucking problem in my wattpad due to which I can't add pictures to my writing. It just messes up all my work. I'll try to fix the damn thing. So, just imagine your own kind of house. Just so you know, its almost as big as Killua's with all the butlers and shit.)

Before entering your front yard which btw was really big, you told the others, "No one will cuss while we live here."

"But you are the only one who cusses amongst us." Killua deadpanned.

"Whatever." You said walking in. You closed your eyes and inhaled a deep breath, taking in the scent of all the flowers in your front yard. Then, as you opened your eyes, you saw your personal butler Akihito, doing some gardening. (He is 30+) He greeted you cheerfully, happy to see his mistress back. You greeted him back and then you all went in. Just as you stepped in you heard your whinny sister whining. "Aoiiiii. Play with meeeeee." She called out to her personal butler Aoi. She was a young girl around Canary's age but she loved kids. Said butler just picked her up, spinning her around until she went dizzy, eventually putting her down. Yashiro looked at you and said trying to keep balance, "Woah. Am I finally going crazy or are you able to see what I can see, Aoi?"

"Behold the great one and only.... Y/N!!!!" You yelled, excited to see your sister. When Yashiro saw that she wasn't actually in a trance and that you were really here, she dashed towards you and hugged you. You hugged back of course, but within a minute you pulled away, faking that you were disgusted by her. "Eww, did you even have a bath since the day I was gone coz man, do you smell like something I stepped on." while scrunching your nose.

"Yes I did and maybe you stepped on flowers. I know you're jealous big sis, but I'll let it pass coz I know not everyone smells as good as me." Yashiro retorted back smirking. You just rolled your eyes bcoz you didn't want the fight to be the first thing you do after returning. So instead you turned around and asked Akihito about your parents. Just as you asked him, your mom entered the room while speaking with your dad. When they saw you, your mother casually said, "Oh hey sweetie, I see you're back." like she didn't panic a few weeks ago about your health over the fucking phone. But, your dad was the complete opposite of her. He ran up to you, picking you up and swirling you around a few times. You sometimes wondered how did your dad and mom even got together, but you aren't complaining, you love them both very much. So you just hugged your dad, allowing him to swirl you around the room. But now, your insides started break dancing so you asked your dad to stop.

Which he did, fortunately before your insides could break dance any more and throw everything out. "Look at her. All grown up and-"

"Honey!! What is up with you? She's just been out for sometime." Your mom scolded your dad, bcoz he started sniffling and tearing up. You just laughed nervously. Well, what could you do? It was your weirdly happy family. So you just sighed while allowing a small smile creep up your face, but it grew wide as your mom hugged you. Then your sister joined in and then your father. You all shared a group hug and then you told them how much you missed them. But while doing so, you remembered Gon and Killua might be standing in a corner awkwardly and when you turned around, you were right. You introduced Gon and Killua to your family. "Mom, dad, Yashiro, these are my friends Killua and Gon."

"Ohhhh, so which one is your boyfriend?" Yashiro asked you with wiggling eyebrows. Gon was standing confused, bcoz he didn't actually know what a boyfriend was. He thought it was when a girl and a boy become friends, they call each other that. While with Killua- oh boy, his pale skin was all pink and his mind went blank. Yep, you knew it did. You weren't sure how were you looking. Your parents started laughing and you brushed it off too. Then you went to your room while Killua and Gon were given different rooms. After a good 40 mins shower, you dressed into some comfy clothes and headed down. As you reached down, you were engulfed in a hug and you knew who it was.


'Daichi' (That's your best guy friend)

"Ayyo, I missed you n/n." Daichi said smiling widely.

"So did I Dai." I beamed, smiling just as bright. Daichi was like a brother to me. Even though he might not be a real younger or older brother, he still cares about me like I am his sister.

We went to the city directly. (Y'all live by the outskirts of the city, but everyone who lives or visits the city believes that the city starts with your house as it's big and grand. If you understand what I mean, then I still have braincells. If not, then congrats to me for I have lost all braincells.)

Forgetting about Gon and Killua, who were left with my family in the house.
We first went to the garden where we always go. It was the place where we first met and go there since.


As I got out of the shower, I saw some clothes folded neatly on my bed side. I wore them and met up with Gon. We both went downstairs only to see Y/n missing. We asked Yashiro about Y/n and she told us that Y/n was with Daichi. I wonder who he is... If he tries anything, he's dead. A sadistic smile crept up my face, thinking about all the ways to torture him with. I must've scared Yashiro bcoz she ran away like her life depended on it. I just stuck my tongue out and muttered an 'oops'.
Wait- If Y/n is with this 'Daichi' guy and we don't know where they are, what are me and Gon supposed to do?
Oh well, I guess we'll have to-
I was cut off by a hand tugging on my sleeve. I look down to see Yashiro. I smiled at her and asked what she wanted of me. She said that she was having a tea party and that we were invited. Gon was already sitting on a chair outside. So I just sighed and nodded smiling a little. She reminded me of someone. (If you know, you know.😌) So I patted her on her head and she smiled. Then she lead me outside where she was having her tea party with some Teddy bears, Gon and me.



Daichi and I were enjoying ice cream. I bought f/f and Daichi bought chocolate flavor. He is a really messy eater, so right now I was cleaning his face with a tissue and he was just laughing like an idiot. We started to walk back to our houses. I bid him bye and he said that he was gonna come back tomorrow. That's nothing new. He was always at my place, so it was a habit of having him around. As I reached back to the house and into my front yard, I was surprised.

Ayyo, its been a long time since the last update, huh? I am fucking sorry. I was busy learning my chapters for my exams coming up. Srsly, I hate exams the most. Why the fuck do you have to take them anyways. I'll stay inactive on Wattpad till 14th feb. Yeah, a long time. I tried convincing my mom, but she says I'll have to quit writing if I don't score good in my exams. And tbh, I didn't even start preparing yet. Why should this happen to me? 😔Have a good day/night readers.

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