Meeting X The X Pedophile

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'Friends huh? .....We'll see about that' I thought with a creepy smile

// NO ONE'S POV //
Now many more participants had joined and you having a lot of guts wanted to talk to "The Creepy Clown Guy" or so you called him. Before leaving you informed Killua that you'll be back in a few minutes. While walking towards him a fat guy wearing blue t-shirt which looked like it was about to rip off came towards you holding 2 cans of soda and told you his name was Tonpa. You wanted to be nice and polite so you greeted him back.

'I doubt he'll be able to complete phase one of this exam but he's probably here to enjoy. Rookie hunter - that's what my parents call them. They do not care if they fail but enjoy seeing the others fail, so they hunt and trick the other rookies. My parents warned me prior about this. The drink he's offering me is most likely spiked. I'd really like to see his face when he finds out I'm immune to whatever that's in it.'

   Just  as you assumed, he offered it to you saying that it was a sign of your friendship. But as you're hand was about to touch the can, Killua snatched it from you and immediately gulped it all down. "Hey, has anyone taught you manners?" You stated lividly. He replied with a does-it-look-like-anyone-taught-me-after-what-I-just-did look on which you could only huff in anger. Tonpa sweat dropped at the scene in front of him and walked off saying he had something to do. After he went off to poison some more rookies you turned to Killua and said," Bitch I'm not dumb I knew there was poison in the drink, but I just wanted to see the priceless expression on his face when I took it."

Killua then said," So what if you knew there was poison, its not like you're immune to it." rather proudly with his chin up. But you wanted to burst his little balloon that made him soar high up in his imaginary sky so you  deadpanned but snickered on the inside "I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I indeed am immune to poison." Oh how you wish you had taken a picture of his face before he turned stoic again. Then all you did was turn around and told him to not follow you in a low voice which sounded dangerous to the white haired ex-assassin because he always thought you were a petite girl who made it here by luck alone. Well you proved him wrong.

Now that you knew he wasn't following you, you went to the creepy clown guy and send him a confident smile which he couldn't ignore even if he wanted to bcoz it was a dazzling one which could melt hearts but not the heart of the pedo, it actually uh um what was the word? Oh yeah, it TuRnEd HiM oNnNn. He was dying to play with his new toy aka YOU. (You unfortunately fell right in the devil's pit, y/n.) He returned a sly smile which sent a shiver down your spine. Now that you were standing in front of him you realized how tall he really was. As you were busy judging his height, you didn't notice the way he locked his lips. "Hi, I'm y/n l/n." you said with a confident grin.

'Hmmmm, l/n? Oh so she might be the elder daughter of the l/n family. Interesting' he thought.

"I'm Hisoka Morrow, my sweet unripe fruit." You just sweat dropped while laughing nervously. 'He sure is weird and has a weirder sense of humor - noted'  You thought.

"Can I call you hiso-chan?Pleaseeeee. Pretty please?" You said with those puppy eyes you used to give your little sister to make her to do your chores. But before you could hear the answer a man bumped his shoulder with hisoka and walked by. "Its rude to not say sorry after bumping into someone." he said.

You could just enjoy on what's gonna happen next. The man's hand started to turn into pink flower petals. It was cool to watch even if you knew it was all his nen work. Hisoka chuckled.

"Ne Hiso-chan, this is pretty impressive. I'm impressed."

"This is nothing my dear, the show is yet to commence~"

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