Another X Sleepless X Night

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// NO ONE'S POV //

Leorio was up with a plan to earn money.  So right now, the plan was being executed with Leorio yelling to grab people's attention and Killua standing a little farther away from him holding a diamond in a glass container. Gon was sitting on a chair with a table set up especially for him. Leorio's "great" plan turned out to be arm wrestling with Gon. Taking a little amount of money from the participants as entrance/participating fee, the person will arm wrestle Gon and if they won (which they won't); they get the diamond. As there was no need for you there, you decided to leave and roam Yorknew for a bit. Killua was a little hesitant at first but had to oblige anyways bcoz you were stubborn so there was no fighting you.

While you were strolling casually through the streets, a sense of nostalgia crawled over you when you saw the flooded streets with couples and families; all smiling and laughing made you feel like you had experienced this somehow. Without pressing the matter any further, you continued walking until you found a park. You sat on the soft lush green grass, your hands behind you supporting your body as you spread your legs and looked up at the sky. The moonlight danced gracefully upon the grass, hitting your face ever so slightly. The glimmering stars brought peace with them. Just when you were about to close your eyes a giggling sound cut through the silence. When you turned your head towards the source, you found a little boy running around on the grass making all the fireflies glide through the air. That's when yours and the boy's eyes met. His eyes were black or so it looked in the dull moonlight.

His eyes.

They reminded you of something. Or rather someone. That's when realization hit you. It hit you harder than a train. Those eyes reminded you of HER. You stood up and squinted at your surroundings to have a better look and damn did you remember everything now. You met her at Meteor city and you played with her here. As she didn't have a family, you  thought of her as a family member and asked your father to take her in. Those oh so happy and wonderful times you had living and laughing with her. All of that just for her to stab you repeatedly in your back a million times. Ever heard of the quote, the one that goes, 'In the end of the day it's love that wins.' Well fuck that coz this shit never happened. At least not for you. Rage filled you to the brim and it felt as if the rage is going to overflow. That was until you felt someone holding 2 of your fingers.

When you looked down, the boy who was running around happily a few moments ago was standing in front of you giving you a look which seemed like he was about to cry. You were trying to hold in the intense feeling in your stomach to just get your anger out on him because he was the reason you remembered things which were meant to be forgotten. But there was this other feeling which was fighting your anger; pity. It surpassed your anger and guilt washed over you for thinking to lash out on him. The boy suddenly hugged you and started to cry. A gasp escaped your throat and you tried to soothe him by rubbing circles on his back and it worked. He let go of you but was still sniffling. 


I crouched down to his height and asked him what was wrong. "I- I l-lost my way." he replied in a trembling voice. "I followed these fireflies and now I can't  find my mom. Please help me." he begged. 

Heaving out a sigh, I ask him whether he remembered any shop names where he split up with his mom. "Uh...... I" he stuttered. "Oh wait! I remember us standing near this huuuuggggeeeee crowd with a person yelling." It didn't take me a second guess to know that the "Peron yelling" was none other than Leorio. "I know where that is. C'mon." We walked all the way across the market and to the place where Leorio set up the game. When we reached there, I saw them pack up for tonight. "Calling it a night already?" They turned towards me. "Yeah, yeah. Says the one who ditched us."

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