Rescuing X Gon X From X Hiso-chan

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IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: * usually means that I'll be telling you all the meaning of this word later after writing a chapter as some of you might have not seen the anime/ might be seeing but don't know these words yet.

........................ READER-CHAN'S POV ........................

Both deadpanned at my last answer. Well what do they expect me to say, TELEPORT that's absurd!! But well whatever coz anyhow both have to treat me with food so I don't have to give a fuck about 1 day's lunch and dinner. Now back to the wetlands, some made it to the top of the stairs while some dropped dead and some gave up. Who told them to take the exam when they are not ready. I bet they got some tips or something and here I am with full honesty. (author-chan: oh really??) So what, they're my parents and its their duty to help their child when she's in need. That's when Kurapika said, "Look, the fog's clearing." So Statoz-san is telling us more about Milsy wetlands also known as "Swindlers Swamp". "Milsy wetlands also known as Swindlers Swamp. The wetlands are home to numerous beasts, mysterious creatures, and deadly plants. They can shape change and hunt you down so better be near me so you won't lose sight of me." Satoz-san said. That's when a man drags a pretending to be unconscious man-faced ape who looks like Statoz-san and says, "He's a fake. This is the real one." The real Statoz-san stays calm. The dumbass rookies start saying stupid things like "yes he might be the real one bcoz this one doesn't even have a mouth." "He doesn't even run like a human." All I could do now was face palm. Even Killua was bored. Old oreo thought that the ape was the real examiner. Then 9 cards flew 3 different ways: 1) To Statoz-san 2) To the man holding the fake examiner 3) Towards me!! Like wtf. But the cards were too slow so I could catch it easily. Then I darkly chuckled before saying, "It is not a good idea to play with your life hiso-chan. I don't wanna kill you yet~" after which I threw all 3 cards back with force and 1% nen. He didn't expect it and had let his guard down so 1 card cut his cheek and the other 2, he barely managed to dodge. He only chuckled 🙄. Then said, "So its proven. This is the real examiner bcoz-" he stopped and looked at me. I got the hint and continued, "The speed at which Hiso-chan threw the cards could easily be dodged or caught by any examiner which couldn't be caught by the imposter. Its that simple." and shrugged in the end. Then Statoz-san said, "Indeed, it is. Though even so some of you doubted me and looked at Hanzo and Leorio. No. 44, I'll let this one pass but if you do it again you'll be disqualified for attacking an examiner." "I understand" was all he said.

He told us to follow him into the wetlands.

.............................. NO ONE'S POV ...........................

Then you and the others started following him. You, Killua and Gon started running side by side. While running the distance between you and the examiner started increasing. Gon said, "Only the screams of people are heard everywhere." "Y/n, Gon I think we should move forward." Killua said. "I agree with snow hair here." you teasingly said. Killua gave you the cold shoulder. (TvT). The cinnamon bun said, " Ya. I don't wanna lose sight of the examiner." "Oh my dear little child, Marshmellow here wants to say that we should move ahead bcoz Hiso-chan is letting his bloodlust out." you said while patting his head. And he went like Ohhhh. "I can smell it" says Killua. "Huh, I can't smell anything Killua." "Idiot, its just a phrase." Then the oblivious green boii called out to old oreo and pikachu, "Guys, Killua says we should move ahead." Killua only smacked him on his head. "If we could, we would've." Screamed an irritated suit case man. "Don't shout on my child." you screamed back to him. "Its ok y/n." Gon said. "You guys move ahead, we'll meet you at the end. Don't worry" Kurapika screamed?? calmly?? "Aww" Gon said. While running, you sensed something breathing under ya'll and immediately understood what it was but decided to play along since you can save them if anything goes hellishly wrong. And then it happened, you all were gulped by a giant frog creature. You were prepared, so as you were about to cut his stomach, he spit you out. That's when you realized it was Tonpa's LIFE SAVING drink that helped you. But it was gross. The saliva was gross. And it was on your body. Eww!! Then you guys started running again. Now Gon starts worring bcoz Kurapika and Leorio are nowhere near. But Killua assures?? him that there's no need to worry and keep moving on. But Gon being Gon was gone. (Gon was gone. Hahaha. Get it?? Oh nevermind.😥) Then you told Killua that Gon would get lost on the way back so you would go and bring him with you. Even if Killua shows he doesn't care he stopped you but you reassured him that you'll be back before the next phase and plus if you two reach the next phase but Gon doesn't make it then what about the promise that he made about becoming hunters together?? So he let you go.

............................ READER-CHAN'S POV ............................

I activated en* and started searching. My en radius is about 35 meters so it didn't take long to track Gon down. I saw that Hiso-chan was strangling Gon!! And Leorio was unconscious. My instincts shot up as soon as I saw Gon's state and lunged forward and within 0.2 seconds I was near Hiso-chan's arm and didn't think twice before breaking it. Gon fell to the ground and Hiso-chan was holding his arm in pain. I stood in front of Gon protectively with my back facing him and glared harshly at Hiso-chan and said with h/c h/l locks covering my eyes. "Hiso-chan don't you fucking dare even try to kill Gon bcoz if you do, I'll break your balls." Hiso-chan's eyes widened a bit but went back to normal again. Before he could say anything, he got a call from SOMEBODY. ( you guys know it, it was his bOyFrIeNd) After his call he calmly said, "You pass. You all pass my dears." And with that he picked Leorio up and put him over his shoulder and went off but not before asking, "You guys can manage to get back, right?" I went back to deadpan and said, "I may be small but I'm not dumb Hiso-chan." He only chuckled, waved and left. I asked Gon if he was alright, then hugged him tight. "Don't ever do that again. Ok??" "But Leorio needed me." I could only sigh. "Just be careful next time." " Ok" he said with his big grin. That's when Kurapika came out of the bushes.


Now we are standing in front of a huge door

I'll be sending you, all the descriptions of the major and advanced techniques of nen bcoz I'll be mentioning some in the near future.
You just read 1233 words

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