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// NO ONE'S POV //

A promise.

He made one. Can he keep it? Feeling some sort of pressure which weighed him down, so deep under that he thought he'll go down all the way to the Earth's center and out from the other pole. He felt as if he's made a wrong decision. Gulping down the lump forming in his throat, he went downstairs to eat breakfast. As he sat on the table, he was awfully quite the whole time while his friends were having a good time. He hardly touched his food. His friends took notice of this and asked him what's wrong. But the only answer they got was, "I'm fine just didn't get enough sleep is all." Leaving a fake yawn escape his lips, he excused himself from the table and went out to take in some fresh air so he won't DOZE OFF. Oh how he lied. The only reason he left the house was to not see HER face. He wanted to clear his mind from her. He wanted to erase the place he made especially for her. It was ironic how he had made future plans of staying with her when he didn't now how things were gonna turn out. 

Its only a nightmare. Yeah but that's not what Killua thought. He was overthinking. What if his family got to know about this? What will they do? How will they react? Will he be strong enough to protect her? He can't let his nightmare come true. But what if it did? He still remembered it as clear as day.  

"Just fuck off for all I care. Oh and one more thing before I leave, I am not coming back for a loser like yourself. I'm actually quite ashamed that I have to travel with a murderer, I feel sorry for poor Gon too. So I've decided to leave you and stay with Daichi. He's way better than you. So long, sucker."

Will she really leave him? Did she stay just because she pitied him? Or did she stay for Gon? He left assassinating, but will he still be called one because he used to? These thoughts were drowning him out so much that he didn't hear his friends' call until one of them shook him hard. 



"Dumbass, its my job to space out not yours."

"Yeah sorry..."

"Are you okay?"

"I told you I'm fine, just- just LEAVE ME BE!" Killua ran off with that. I stood there shocked. I had no idea why- wait.. Its his nightmare, isn't it? He should open up some more. He's getting all worked up. Didn't he ever have a nightmare?! That idiot shithead is making a big deal out of it. I saw Gon was about to run after him. "Gon. Give him some alone time." Gon and me went back to the house to go fetch fishing rods to try our luck in fishing. More like mine coz I never tried it out.

// NO ONE'S POV //

He ran past the fancy looking white daisies which spread over the ground like a neat bedsheet, stepping on some, leaving his foot mark behind. The sun was smiling warmly at the all the living things. The wind was blowing ever so slightly making the trees sway to the rhythm. The chorus of the melodious birds singing in a perfect synchronization almost seemed as if they've practiced everything in advance. It would've been a perfect day for Killua if it wouldn't have been for those glossy eyes shedding sadness with each step while gasping for air to enter his throat which turned dry from crying.  He finally stopped on the top of a hill falling flat on the belly hitting the soft grass with a 'thud'. His legs gave out of exhaustion. He may be an ex-assassin but he did have emotions and right now they were taking over him. He felt exposed of them. It was just a silly nightmare which started this all. He can't imagine how a fancy can lead to all this. He felt as if his life is a mess. Though he couldn't bring himself to a conclusion that the reason behind this is indeed a nightmare. Life really is complicated. After getting his oxygen flow at a steady slow pace, he sat up with a tree trunk supporting his back. The tree had pink blossoms all over giving out a pleasant atmosphere. He broke down there. He didn't want to leave her, but losing her forever will make his heart ache. His brain wasn't playing any role here. It was staying out of the argument, sitting idly because Killua wasn't being logical here.

As he sat there regretting his decision of yelling at her unnecessarily earlier it was evening.

// GON'S POV //

"Ne Y/n don't you think Killua should be back by now?"

"Ya I suppose. Let's go check. I think we've caught enough fish for tonight." Laughing on our way back, we reached back home. But we didn't see Killua there :(

// NO ONE'S POV //

"I think we should go look for him."

"Yeah... That'll be good." Running towards the forest where the sun seemed to nestle peacefully amongst the clouds, making the horizon shine golden in the dim light. Whereas the birds were making their way back to their nests where their babies would be waiting for them to return. Calling out Killua's name everywhere, they found him sleeping below a pink blossom tree in a sitting position with his hand resting on one of his knee while the other leg was touching the ground. His head rested on the tree bark while his hair was swaying slightly in a rhythm with the blossoms. His expression was calm; he looked at peace. Walking near him slowly without making a sound they shook him slightly. He woke up and by the time he apologized to Y/n for bursting out on her it was already nighttime. She let it slide and waved him off by telling him it's no big deal.


After eating the fish which Y/n almost burned preparing, they all lay on the soft grass watching the stars twinkling in their brightest form. Killua and Gon were giggling and making conversations here and there. But Y/n- she was just looking at the stars and spacing out. (Ah we have our classic Y/n back.😌)  She just spaced out the whole ass time. Upon reaching back home they all slept soundly after another fun day. Well fun for Gon and Y/n at least.

You just read 1090 words.

My chapters may not be the best, but thank you for reading :D. Have a great day/night.

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