Is X This X Possible?

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(My writing format might've changed a bit since I didn't write for a long time so apologies!)

Recap (bc I forgot 😔):

|| Killua's POV ||

Of course, how dumb can I be. Obviously she likes him. He treats her just the way she deserves. I pulled my hand back that was resting on the doorknob. They needed a private moment. As much as it hurts, I probably am not meant for her. She's too good for me. I left the place with my head hanging down.



The sun rose high as y/n went to Daichi's room to give him his medicines. She knocked. Once. Twice. No answer. She thought he was again in one of those under-the-weather tantrums so she shook her head and walked in and gasped.

Daichi was not in his room and the window which was by his bed was open wide. Y/n rushed to the window and looked out. She knew he was in no condition walk let alone jump out of a window. It was a three story drop down. Many thoughts rushed to her head and she trembled at the worst possible outcome. Was he kidnapped? No, that was highly impossible. But even if he was, why would someone kidnap him? Your mind raced with multiple thoughts as you rushed to inform his parents.


As soon as you went downstairs, his parents were sitting by the dining table, sobbing. You approached them only for them to give you a sheet of paper with a messily written letter. You gasped as you read it. It was definitely written by Daichi. You could recognize his writing anywhere. Trembling, you took a deep breath as you begun reading.

'Hey, I hope I know this sounds crazy but I don't wanna live anymore. I knew I had Saiaku. Even if you tried to avoid the topic, it was clear with the way you all acted. I was gonna die. My pain just kept getting worse. I'm drained. Emotionally and physically. By the time you read this, I might've already died.'

'What is he talking about?' You question yourself. His condition was very bad, there is no way he escaped and suicided. You continue to read.

'Please forgive me, but I couldn't live like this. Mom, dad, I love you both very much. Y/n, thanks for always being there for me and taking care of me even in the worst of situations.'

That was it. The letter ended so abruptly and anonymously that it left you with a lot of questions about his disappearance. The letter slipped out of your hand, onto the floor as you walked out of the place with your head hanging low and his parents could only mourn. 'This isn't possible' you think to yourself. You wanted to puke your guts out and sob. The rational side of you completely stopped like your brain malfunctioned. You ran to the place Daichi showed you and sat there on a rock, hugging your knees close to your chest.

Tears flowed out of your eyes as you mindlessly sobbed. Your heart ached and your vision blurred. How? Just how can this happen? It was impossible for Daichi to walk, let alone write a letter stating his death.


How long were you here? You didn't know. Hours maybe? You stood up, rubbing your sore eyes as you walk out of the place, towards your mansion. But when You're halfway there, you see Gon tackle you in a hug, sniffling quietly. Is he crying? "Where were you? I was worried!" He pointed out his worry as he look on with concern. You could only smile sadly and give a slight nod. As you neared your place you saw your butlers abd parents searching for you. It is when you look up at the sky you then that the sun has almost set. You're embarrassed to make everyone worry about you. However killua was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Gon, where's Killua?" You ask. He didn't answer and smiled, pointing to someone behind you. You nod and turn around to face the sapphire eyes looking down at you. You now realised the height difference between the both of you.

Sure, it wasn't much but it was enough for him to tilt his head slightly downwards when standing so close to you. Almost a little too close with a dead pan expression. You raise an eyebrow at his behaviour as it made you feel weird. He's never like this with you. After a moment of silence he put a hand on your shoulder and whispered, "I'm glad You're okay." He hesitated before his hand fell back to his side. With an almost negligible upward tilt of his lips, he walked past you before giving you a final glance towards Gon. You wondered what got into him but you could care less at the moment as Daichi, the one who knew you the most was gone, as if wiped off the face of the earth. You went to your parents to ask if they could find anything regarding his disappearance but they told you they were already searching for clues, finding none unfortunately. They were sure it wasn't a nen user if this was a kidnapping but if he intentionally wanted to then it raised many more unsolved questions with no leads. That night, you ate silently at the dinner table, barely eating anything and decided to take a stroll in your garden alone. In the darkness of the night, the moonlight illuminated your features as the chirping of the crickets sounded soothing.

Nature always brought you peace. It was something you found very comforting. To lay in the presence of nature and to be able to experience it is in itself a blessing. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes to bask in the solitude till you heard rustling near you. Snapping your eyes open, the tulip that lay a few meters away from you was not there anymore. It was uprooted by someone. 'Who?' You thought as you tried to look into the darkness as far as your vision could reach. You couldn't sense nen, so you were more cautious. A shadow loomed over head you for a split second only to disappear the moment you look up. Frustrated, you speak loudly, "Who the hell is messing around with me? Come out, you coward."

You gasped as you saw a figure dressed in black approaching you. Your heartbeat raised and your pupils contracted as your breath hitched. "D-Daichi....?" The words rolled down your tongue barely above a whisper.



I'm back! After an agonizingly draining year, I thought I should  get back on here.
The moment I opened wattpad, I saw the comments and reads to my story and my mood brightened up instantly! You guys are my safe space and I write because it gives me a sense of belonging. Thank you guys for always supporting me and I'll try to post as frequently as I can. Btw, I think you all like the snippets of conversations with diff anime characs that I used to put on here. I stopped that but I think I'll get back into them again is it makes you happy!


Kuro-sensei: How do you write with that?

Author: what? You mean the plaster on my hand? (I had a minor accident a week back resulting in a few minor fractures so I've put on a cast)

Kuro-sensei: yes! You look funny nyurufufufu~

Author: It was an accident 😕

Kuro-sensei: Well, so was your birth! 🤭

Author: Sensei!

You just read 1264 words.

The Crazy life of an ordinary girl. (Killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now