Promises X Are X Meant X To X Be X Broken X Right?

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sorry for such a long chapter name. The letters are more than my exam grades 🤪.

⚠️WARNING SLIGHT ANGST(?)⚠️ not sure if its slight or not. lmao.

Love ya'll, enjoy.

// NO ONE'S POV //

"I love you Y/n. I understand if you don't but I-I just wanted to clear out this burden off of my back... so what do you say?" Killua asked with tears dripping down his cheeks that was mixed by the drizzling of the peaceful rain which made his hair glisten and stick to his forehead. "Please don't leave me. I know its- its important but please come back to me, even if its just for a few minutes."

Y/n just sighed under her umbrella, turning and walking towards him. The grass was damp so it made a sound with every step. It was the only sound that could be heard aside from the rain. "I'm sorry but I don't love you back, Killua." she said sadly. But that face didn't last long as her face turned into an awful evil grin. "No one- and I mean no one is gonna accept you Killua. Everyone knows who you are, an assassin-"

"No!! That's not true, I-I gave up on assassination. You told me you didn't care if I was an assassin, remember?"

"Just fuck off for all I care. Oh and one more thing before I leave, I am not coming back for a loser like yourself. I'm actually quite ashamed that I have to travel with a murderer, I feel sorry for poor Gon too. So I've decided to leave you and stay with Daichi. He's way better than you. So long, sucker." It was not the Y/n Killua knew. It was as if a ruthless monster dressed like Y/n was saying this. The rain didn't do any good too. He was still processing how she said these words in a monotone, with dull emotionless eyes when a car hit her, throwing the girl a little far off. The car driver rode away like nothing ever happened.

It was as if time froze for Killua. He somehow couldn't hear the rain anymore. His vision became blurry, his breathes started to get raspy. His throat went dry. Tears started falling fiercely out of his eye sockets, stinging his eyes with every drop. His heart beat started accelerating at a pace he himself could not understand. He lost everything. He didn't care if Y/n rejected him. Yeah it surely hurt him a lot but to see her die in front of him was something he couldn't bear. He was overwhelmed. 'I couldn't save her' that thought was going on and on in his mind.

His legs were trembling. His mind was yelling him to run but it was as if his legs weren't listening to him. He somehow managed to move slowly. He reached her only to find her body all cold with blood running out, he couldn't pin point the place from where her blood was coming out of but that's the last thing he'd care. He held her hand in his warm ones to check her pulse. His blood ran cold and he felt numb when he couldn't feel anything. He wanted to scream till his voice is gone but nothing came out. That's when he heard something break.

Was it his heart?

Can hearts break in real life?

If so, can he hear it?

Now that he lost his heart, will he die too?

What was happening to him?

His mind was a mess of all these thoughts. He wasn't able to think straight. He just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. He couldn't bear being rejected by the only one he loves. Not only that but she even died. All of this, in front of his eyes.

He truly is worthless, isn't he?

Maybe Illumi was right. He didn't deserve friends. He was indeed a puppet of darkness whose weakness is friends. He should not have them. He should just destroy his weakness. He suffered even after he was being nice. That's not fair. No one should be happy if he wasn't.



'Whose voice is this?' Killua thought.

"KILLUA! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP-" There it was again.

'Is it Gon?' He started thinking to himself.

'No. That's not Gon.' He replied for himself.

'Then, is it....Y/n?'





"WAIT- Y/N?!"

Well, this cleared his doubt. But before he could do anything more he woke up. Yes, he was having a nightmare. How did he wake up? I'll tell you....


Fuck it. I'll call for him one more time. "KILLUA! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP-"

"Hey Y/n. Good Morning." Its Gon.

"Good morning Gon."

"Why are you screaming in the morning? Did Killua do something?"

"Yes he did and he's scaring me." Gon got worried instantly and asked me the cause.

"I'll show it to you instead." And after I said that, I turned towards where Killua was sleeping and slapped him. I could clearly see the after effects when a red hand mark appeared on his pale tear-stained cheek. 'Ouch' I internally cringed. 'Shouldn't have done that.'

He shot up instantly, almost head-butting me in the process.

// NO ONE'S POV //

"Ouch" Killua shot up. And the first thing he saw after opening his eyes was Y/n. The boy almost teared up again. Y/n instantly hugged him as by the looks of it, Killua would've had a nightmare she assumed. Killua hugged her tight like his life depended on it. I mean the boy's life did depend on her. At least his heart. He would've rampaged countries if he lost you.

"Had a nightmare?" Y/n asked him. He only hugged her tighter. She took it as a yes.

"Wanna talk about it?" A whimper escaped his lips signifying that he is in no condition to speak about it. You started rubbing circles on his back. "Must've been difficult. Its ok to have nightmares, Killua. Getting scared just shows that you care about something. I've had nightmares too. Its a part of being a human."

"Now get dressed and come down, we've got another fun day packed ahead of us." Saying that you gave him a soft smile which made his heart melt and all worries go. Giving him personal space, you left the room.

"I'm not gonna tell her my feelings. What if she dies when I do it? I can't lose an important person in my life. Its too risky. I'll just let the cards unfold themselves. But I promise I won't tell her my feelings for real."

He made a promise which he himself couldn't know if he could keep.

+。:.゚ 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷, 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽?.:。+゚

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