❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥❞

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Everything was falling apart. Richard had realized that he had remarried his ex without realizing it. He sat in the limo, driving toward the factory. Violet sat close to her father, who held her hand tightly. As they were riding on their way to the factory, in the meantime, Hellen came out with the great news to the rest of the family. 

"I believe it would be an honour if you could be the godmother to my little one again, Y/n." — said Hellen as you smiled happily, "It would be an honour, to be the godmother to your little one." — you looked to see Willy, holding your hand, thinking, it seemed. "Willy, would you be alright being Charlie and his sibling's godfather?" — you asked, making him flinch at the thought. 

"You know my opinion on the matter. Why bother asking me?" — he uttered angrily, it was getting on your nerves, the way he spoke of Charlie, as if he wasn't worth being his godson. "Listen up, Willy Wilbur Wonka." —  you muttered into his ear, "I will not tolerate your behaviour. You had your chance to play nice, but if you don't, I won't hesitate to leave and take everything with me." — you pointed out. 

He frowned, however, and lashed out. "You think you can scare me? I don't need you. You're just like them now! Hanging over me like a dead goose! I could be making millions and have my family right now if it were not for them! And look where we are, even your brother seems to be in a better situation than us right now! And we're the ones who have the heritage for ourselves!" — he shouted, making your eyes widen with anger. 

"Ourselves?! You think this money is yours?! You didn't even propose to me! Not only that, but you never really tried getting closer to me than just kissing. You weren't even trying back at the tour... Did you? All that attention you gave me back then... All for nothing?! So I was blinded to think you love me?!" — you shouted one final time. Because once you finished, you saw the door open. Revealing a worried Richard, and a frightened Violet. 

"R-Richard?" — you said, confused, yet happy to see him, "Aunty!" — Violet ran over and hugged you tightly. "Aunty, it was horrible! Mom shouted at dad, and she said she would leave him!" — she cried out as she buried her face into your chest, making you sigh, "Richard, what has happened?" — you asked, causing him to sigh as well. "It's hard to explain, Y/n, but, if you'd give me just a bit of time to explain what happened." — you nodded to his words and had the two seated in the large living room. 

"It seems that Scarlett was actually my ex-wife... Scarlett Labourna. She changed her surname to Beauregarde. It was all too clear when I saw a picture of my ex, next to the picture of Scarlett and mine's wedding. It was all too clear I had remarried the same woman." — he explained, making you deeply sigh. "Is Violet your daughter, though?" — you asked, but the moment you did, Richard frowned, "Scarlett left me without telling me she was pregnant, and let me tell you Y/n, sister dear, we weren't so innocent at the time." — he said, making you blush a little. 

"That was some unnecessary detail, but I appreciate the honesty, Richey." — you sighed as your niece stood and saw Charlie standing there in the corner of the room, making you chuckle, "Why don't you and Charlie go play in the chocolate room? Hm? I'm sure you'd find something to do. Go on, run along!" — you smiled as Charlie took Violet by the hand and the two left the room. "It is so lovely to see that Violet changed for the better." — Hellen said as she stood by you. "The two have a bright future." — you chuckled as did Hellen, but Richard tapped your shoulder, "We have bigger issues now..." 

You sighed, "Yes, we must get you out of that marriage, and certainly have you gain custody of Violet. She'll be better off with all of us as her family." — you said as you felt slightly guilty of this situation, "Darling, let's go lay down for a while, you mustn't strain yourself. Tomorrow is a big day." — said Willy, making you roll your eyes, "Yes, yes, we must open the new Bucket's  residence, as well as their small shop which will sell our candy in this city, I know." — you said as-a-matter-of-factly. Making Willy groan, annoyed by your behaviour. 

"Listen here, you. I will not repeat myself, it is better you go lay down. Otherwise, I won't wake you up in the morning. You hear me?" — he said, making you sigh, "Alright then. Well, good night everyone, Willy and I will go lay down for a while. Richard, you can take the guest room, remember, the Oompa Loompas will take you over to the bedroom you'll be staying at. Don't worry about a thing!" 

You smirked as the doors closed behind you. "Come along darling. We cannot wait any longer, there's so much to see and so little time!" — Willy said, making you chuckle, "Coming! Coming!" — you exclaimed as you followed in your pretty dress and shoes. With a pretty tiara upon your head and his hand in yours. The two of you went to your bedroom, only to change into your latex suits. Black as the darkest night. 

"Shall we? Like we used to when we were younger?" — asked Willy, holding his hand out to you...

"Willy! Wait up!" — said Y/n as she tried to reach for the boy, "Come on, Y/n! You'll never catch me like that! Hahaha!" — he laughed as the two little kids ran in the night, playing nighttime tag and hide'n'seek. "Willy! You're no fair!" — pouted Y/n as she finally caught up to the boy who offered her his hand, "Come on now! Let's keep going! Halloween is still not over! We can still eat all that candy!" — he said, smiling happily as he took Y/n by the hand. 

Ever since then, the two had been the closest of friends. One late night, the two made it seem like the world had stopped. And one would have thought it did. Was it not for Y/n's parents. 

"We told you to keep away from that little Wonka freak! And look at you now! You broke so many rules, we have no choice but to move you and Richard out into a boarding school." — said your father, causing you to tear up. Yet, the moment you cried, you felt a harsh slap come from your father. You were crying even harder, making your dad beat you till you stopped crying. 

Your mother wasn't much better, but at least she tried to protect you. Boarding school was the best choice. However, one thing wasn't there... Willy... you missed him every day, every single day, you would pray to God he was alright, you would pray he was happy, and you would pray he would find you someday. 

You snapped back from the short flashback, only to tear up and take Willy's hand, "Yes... Yes we shall." — you smiled as he pulled you up against him, and you kissed once more. Finally, you felt as if something that had been missing was slowly building itself up from the ashes. "Y/n..." — he smiled as he looked at you, "Yes, Willy?" — you looked at him, "Will you marry me?" — he said, as he opened a small box, with what seemed like a chocolate ring.

"Oh Willy... I would be honoured to marry you." — you said as the two of you kissed once more, sealing the finally official engagement. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now