Coronation part 3

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Regina's point of view:

Maleficent emerged from it! "Maleficent!" I whisper-gasped, hiding behind Grayson. I started to think of how she got in here, then it dawned on me. The blast from the wand that went out the window must have broken the barrier.  "It can't be!" Fairy Godmother gasped. "Go away, mother," Mal said in an annoyed tone. "You're so funny," Maleficent chortled. "Her, wand me. Chop-chop." "No!" Ben shouted. Mal's eyes met mine, and I shook my head. I motioned over towards Fairy Godmother, and Mal tossed her the wand, which she caught.

Fairy Godmother tried to say the magic words, but Maleficent interrupted, and stomped her scepter on the ground, casting a spell that froze everyone in the room. Everyone, that is, except for the VK's...and me. That's because I hummed the song, and my hair protected me from the dark magic. With everyone frozen, Maleficent began taunting King Adam, taking Fairy Godmother's wand out of her hand, taking Ben's ring off of Mal's finger, and messing with Ben's head. Tilting his crown, and repositioning his head.

"Leave my friend alone!" I shouted at her. She stopped suddenly and looked at me. "Well,well, well. Look at you, you golden-haired beauty. Since Grayson didn't get the magic in your hair for Mother Gothel, I'll just have to get it myself!" Maleficent cackled. However, before she could use her magic on me, Grayson and the boys got between us. "Don't hurt her!" Grayson demanded. "Oh, how sweet. Grayson defending a magical girl," Maleficent mocked. "I don't want the magic in Regina's hair. I love her for her," Grayson snapped.

"Oh, is that so?" Maleficent asked in a sly tone. She pointed her scepter and the wand at me, and used both of them to pull me towards her. "No! Guys, help!" I screamed, and Grayson, Jay, and Carlos tried to pull me away, but the spell was too strong. "Oh, falling in love is weak. And ridiculous. It's not what you want," Maleficent said to both him and Mal. "You don't know what I want!" Mal yelled at her mother with tearful eyes. "Mom? Have you ever asked me what I want? I'm not you..." "Obviously. I've had years and years of practicing being evil. You'll get there," Maleficent interrupted. "No I will not. And I wish you haven't gotten there yourself. Love isn't weak or ridiculous. It's actually amazing," Mal replied, smiling at me and Grayson. "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your live! None of you do!" Maleficent yelled.

"Mal! Help!" I cried. Mal's eyes flash with fire as as shouted: "And now I command, wand to my hand!" This spell made the wand come out of Maleficent's hand, and into Mal's hand, and I was released from the spell. "It worked!" gasped Mal. "Frankly this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Maleficent screamed. "Who's being immature now?" I whispered to Grayson, making him chuckle. "Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil," Carlos said. "Oh, please. You're killing me. Arf!" Maleficent barked, hoping to scare Carlos, but it brought out Duke, who jumped into her arms.

As she pushed him off, Jay tried to get the scepter, but Maleficent pushed him away. Eventually, she became so irritated that she turned into a dragon! Jay ran around the chapel, trying to escape, until me and the others called him back. Evie used her magic mirror to shine a light in Maleficent's eyes, blinding her. "Behind me, E!" Mal cried, pushing herself in front of us. "Leave my friends alone!" she yelled as Maleficent shook the light out of her eyes.

"This is between you and me, Mother," Mal said with determination. Then her eyes glowed green as she chanted: "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before 6 hearts as one." She chanted it a second time, but I could tell she was getting desperate. So I stood beside her. "Let's do it together," I whispered. We chanted the spell together. As soon as we did, Maleficent roared and then seemed to disappear in a cloud of smoke. At that moment, Fairy Godmother unfroze. "What happened?" Carlos asked. "I have no idea," replied Mal.

"Did you do it?" Evie asked. "I don't know," Mal replied. "No,no. Your mother did," Fairy Godmother said as she reached us. "She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty-bitty," she explained. "Is she going to be like that forever?" Mal asked. "Forever is a long time. If you learned to love, so can she," Fairy Godmother replied. Mal handed Fairy Godmother back her wand, and Fairy Godmother handed Mal Ben's ring. After she used her wand to unfreeze everyone, Ben came charging down the stairs, but Mal calmed him down.

After they hugged, I tapped Mal's shoulder, and motioned towards Fairy Godmother, who was scolding Jane. "I'll be right back," she told Ben. "I love you. But you're on a major time-out," Fairy Godmother told Jane sternly. Mal put her hand on the headmistress' shoulder and said: "Don't be too hard on Jane. I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head." She then turned to Jane. "You are beautiful. Inside and out," she told her. Jane gave her a small smile and said: "Yeah. I guess I got pretty lucky in the mother department." Mal nodded in agreement as Fairy Godmother and Jane walked away. 

Just then, Audrey came up to us and curtsied. Mal and I curtsied back. Afterwards, my little sister came up to me and tackled me in a hug. Mom and Dad hugged me too, and my grandparents. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Granny asked me. "I'm fine, Granny. Thanks to Grayson," I replied. "Grayson!" Mom called. "Come over here." Grayson obeyed, and came to stand beside me. "Thanks for saving our granddaughter," said Grandpa. "Of course. I love her. I'd do anything for her," Grayson replied, and I kissed his cheek.  Mom and Dad smiled.

"Hey!" Mal cried as a worker put a vase over Maleficent's lizard form. "Careful. That's my mom." The guard nodded respectfully and walked away. Me, Mal, Grayson, the rest of the VK's, and Ben, all gathered in a circle and put our arms around each other. "Let's get this party started," Jay said. We all laughed and chanted: "oh-ay-oh-ay, Hey!"

Later on that evening, we all met outside for the after party. Everyone had a great time dancing and singing. 

"You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" Mal asked slyly as her eyes glowed green. Well, this part of the story isn't over. For me, that is. I still have to talk to Jane and Lonnie about why they were on Audrey's side, and Fairy Godmother said that she would help me get the truth out about the rumor they spread about me. Even though the girls believed me, they deserved to know the truth. What's the outcome going to be? 

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