Welcome to Auradon

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Regina's POV

Outfit (Above).

This is it: today is the day that the kids from the Isle of the Lost are coming to Auradon. I was just going over my checklist;

Band: Check

Flags: Check

Welcoming committee: Check

"Okay. That's it. Everything is ready," I smiled. "You have a very good welcome planned, Regina," Fairy Godmother smiled. "Thanks, Fairy-Godmother," I smiled. "I think so too. However, there's one thing missing from this welcoming committee," Ben said with a smirk. "Th-there is? What is it, Ben? What? What?" I asked, beginning to panic. "The people we're supposed to welcome of course; the villain kids," he joked. His joke made me, the band, and Fairy Godmother laugh.

"Ha-ha. Very funny," went the sarcastic voice of Audrey. Audrey is the daughter of King Philip and Queen Aurora aka, Sleeping Beauty. Also, much to my annoyance, she's Ben's girlfriend. Her and I don't get along at all, and Ben thinks it's because she's jealous that not only am I Ben's royal adviser and best friend, but also the only one at the school with magic hair. To be honest, Audrey is the most selfish girl in the whole school. She also stuck-up: thinking that she's better than everyone else just because she's a princess. Well, I'm a princess too, and I think more of other people than myself. Like a true princess would. There's something else about Audrey that I don't like about her. She also bullied me when I was a child. It happened during my 8th birthday party. You see, We were playing hide and seek in the castle garden, with me as the seeker. As I was seeking, I felt a push from behind and landed face-first into a patch of poison ivy. I know that it can take about 12 hours for you to get rashy when poison ivy comes into contact with your skin, but this was no ordinary poison ivy. It immediately makes your skin get red and rashy when you touch it. I used my arms to protect my eyes, but my forehead, cheeks, chin, arms, wrists, and neck were all red and rashy. "Red is really your color," a voice said. Turning around, I saw Audrey.

"I'm going to tell your parents about this!" I shouted at her. At that moment, Audrey whispered something to me that sent a shiver down my spine. She said: "If you tell my parents about this, I'll come into your bedroom while you sleep and cut your hair." I agreed to keep it a secret. When Audrey's parents arrived, I told them that Audrey wasn't responsible for it, and I just fell into the poison ivy. Still, the rest of the party was canceled, and I was itching for a day after that until my parents took me to the doctor to get some ointment. So you see, Chad's bullying isn't the only thing that I've kept a secret.

"Why'd you have to be here, Regina?" Audrey asked. "I'm Ben's royal adviser, Audrey. It's my job to be by his side," I replied sweetly. "Huh," Audrey scoffed under her breath. Just then, my ear-piece beeped. "Talk to me," I spoke. "The jackles have landed," replied Joe, the limo driver. "Great. See you soon," I replied. "Okay. The villain kids are on their way. Places everyone," I ordered, and everyone, even us, got into position.

A few minutes later, the limo pulled into view. As it did, the band played, and everyone waved their flags. The limo driver got out and opened the door, a boy with white hair fell out, and another boy with long hair came out after him. They appeared to be fighting over a piece of clothing. "Ow! You have everything. Why do you want..whatever this is?!" the white-haired boy cried. "Because you want it!" cried the long-haired boy. As they were arguing, another boy with black hair, dressed in red came out followed by two girls; one with blue hair, and one with purple hair. The band stepped out of the way, and Ben, Audrey, Fairy Godmother and I walked towards them.

"Guys! We have an audience," whispered the girl with purple hair. The boy with long hair helped the white-haired one up. "Just cleaning up," he said laughing. "Leave it like you find it," Fairy Godmother said in a sing-songy way. "And by that, I mean just leave it," she added. The boy with long hair threw the clothing back into the limo, then closed the door. He then went up to Audrey. "Hello, Foxy. The name's ..Jay," he said flirtatiously, which made Audrey feel uncomfortable. "Maybe you should intervene," I whispered to Fairy Godmother, who immediately nodded, and stuck out her head in front of Audrey.

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