New power and midnight baking

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Grayson's point of view

While Ben was calming Regina down, Fairy Godmother asked us what happened. We told her that we heard Regina scream, and saw Chad chasing her. "Why was Chad chasing her?" Fairy Godmother asked. We shrugged. We didn't know. Just then, Regina looked up, and through a few last tears, explained everything to the headmistress.

Regina's POV
"Chad apparently tricked Evie into doing his homework for him. Ben and I were coming to tell you, when Chad jumped out and scared me," I said. "Really?" Fairy Godmother said, shocked. "That's right. He told me that we could hang out together if I did his homework for him," Evie said with a sigh. Fairy Godmother looked down, then up again to face us. Then she turned to Evie.

"I know a way for us to see that," she said. "How?" Ben asked. "Evie, think about the moment Chad asked you to do his homework, and while you do it, touch Regina's necklace," she explained. I was confused. I never let anyone touch my necklace. However, Fairy Godmother assured me that it was okay, so I went ahead and let Evie touch my necklace.

Just then, a sphere rose up out of my necklace, and inside was the scene of when Evie was under the bleachers with Chad. As the scene played, we saw and heard everything that they were saying, and then Chad said that he was swamped unless Evie did his homework, and she agreed! The scene then ended, and Evie looked down, her cheeks flushed pink.

"I'm so sorry, Regina. You warned me about this, and I ignored you. I'm sorry," she sighed. "It's okay, Evie. I told you that Chad's tricked several girls into doing his homework, so you're not alone," I say. "What? Chad's been tricking several girls into doing his homework?" Fairy Godmother asked. I nodded. Then I gulped.

"That's not all he's done," I added. "What do you mean?" Fairy Godmother asked. "He also did this to me," I replied, pointing to the bruise on my cheek. Fairy Godmother gasped. "Wait a second. If Chad hit you, Regina, that means.." Carlos began to say. "That's right," I said sadly, nodding. "What's right?" Fairy Godmother asked.

I gulped loudly and began to shake. Everyone looked at me, concerned, and Ben was trying to calm me down. "Regina, are you alright, dear?" Fairy Godmother asked. "N-n-no. There's something else that I have to tell you. Remember when you gave me this necklace and the magic hairbrush on my birthday?" I asked the headmistress.

"Yes. Your mother said that it was because you were playing with Chad and he went too far," she replied. "Ohh! I'm so sorry. I lied to you. Th-th-that's not what really happened. What really happened was...was..." I began. I shook more heavily, and I felt Ben and Mal squeeze both of my hands.

I took a deep breath, and continued. "Chad wasn't playing with me, Fairy Godmother. He bullied me!" I cried, and then broke down. Fairy Godmother came over to me and hugged me. When I finished crying, I sniffed and said, "I'm sorry. I don't deserve this necklace. You can have it back." I started to take it off, but Fairy Godmother stopped me.

"You do deserve the necklace. Put it back on, please," she said. Evie helped me put my necklace back on, and then she asked, "What happened that caused Chad to hit you?" "Yeah. What happened?" Jay asked. "Audrey said bad things to Ben and I about our parents. I shot back at her, and Chad punched me, and threw me towards the lockers. Thankfully, Mal caught me before I hit my head," I replied.

"Please show us what happened," Fairy Godmother told me. Touching my necklace, I played the whole scene. While it was playing, my hands shook with anger. "I can't believe that Audrey said that. I told her to write you an apology letter," Fairy Godmother exclaimed. That's when I realized something. "Oh! The letter. With everything that happened today, I completely forgotten all about it," I cried. Fairy Godmother told me that I could read it tomorrow, and show it to her. Afterwards, we left the office, but I turned back and made a request to Fairy Godmother. I asked her if it we could make it possible for Mal and the others to video chat with their parents. She agreed,I thanked her and went back to my dorm room where Melody was. I told her the truth about Chad bullying me, and she held my hand until I fell asleep.

Grayson's POV

My head was spinning after what happened. However, I remembered that we were on a mission. Earlier, Evie told us that at the coronation, the king gets blessed with the wand. That night, all 5 of us were in the kitchen, making something: a batch of cookies, with a little something extra: a love spell.

Mal was reading the recipe. "Okay. It says we need one tear, and I don't cry," she said. "Let's chop an onion," Carlos suggested, getting one out. Mal disagreed. "No. It has to be a tear of sadness, and this potion gets the best reviews, so we have to follow it exactly," she said, pointing at the recipe. "A tear's a tear," protested Jay.

"That's not true, Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear," Evie explained. "Listen to you," Mal said proudly. "I knew that," Jay replied defensively. "No you didn't," said Carlos, hitting Jay in the arm.

Just then, the door opened and in stepped Regina with another girl, one I didn't recognize. Mal quickly covered up the spell book. "Hi everyone. Jay, Carlos, Grayson, this is my friend Lonnie, Mulan's daughter," Regina told us. Lonnie said hi to us, turned to Mal and said, "There you are, Mal. I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair! What are you guys making?" "We're just making cookies. Oh no-no!" Mal and Evie cried.

Apparently, Lonnie dipped her finger into the batter and licked it off. "Wait!" Carlos cried, pleading. "What? I wasn't gonna double-dip," Lonnie replied, confused. Regina looked confused too, as well as suspicious. "Do you feel anything?" Evie asked. "Like it's missing something?" Mal added. Jay looked into Lonnie's eyes in a charming way, but Lonnie just gave him a weird look, so did Regina.

"I think it needs a little something. Chips!" Lonnie chirped. "Chips?" Jay echoed, surprised that his charm didn't work. Mal and Evie, on the other hand were relieved that the spell didn't work on Lonnie. Regina, on the other hand, looked very suspicious. "And those are?" Mal asked.

"Chocolate chips. The most important food group," Lonnie said, taking a bowl out of the fridge. Regina took a few, and ate them. "Wait, didn't your moms ever bake you chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asked as she added some to the mix. We all looked at her slightly confused. "Like, when you feel sad, and they're fresh out of the oven, with a big glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..why are you looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked.

"It's just different where we come from," Mal said softly. "I know. I just..I thought that even villains love their kids," Lonnie said, before realizing what she said. "How awful," she whispered, placing her hands on top of Mal's. She then shed a tear, which Mal quickly wiped off and placed in the bowl. "Well, big bummer. Well, we gotta get these in the oven. See you tomorrow," Mal said, pushing both Lonnie and Regina out the door. "Okay boys. Cookie sheet. Evie, oven," she ordered.

Regina's point-of-view.
I was a little bit suspicious of what the vk's were up to. But I was angry at Lonnie for saying that. "Nice going, Lonnie. You made them feel bad. Probably brought back painful memories," I said, glaring at her. "I didn't mean to. I just thought that villains love their kids," Lonnie said, defending herself. I shook my head.

"Villains love their kids? Have you forgotten that Mother Gothel too raised my mom? She manipulated Mom her whole life. I always hear Mom tell Dad about how scared she is of turning into her. How about Lady Tremaine, who treated Cinderella like a servant after her father died. The Evil Queen, who's heart was full of jealousy for Snow White? Or Judge Claude Frollo, who told Quasimodo that he was a monster?" I countered. "I'm sorry. I guess I forgotten about that," Lonnie said sheepishly.

I smiled at her in forgiveness, and we went back to our rooms. I was still awake for a little while. The way the vk's were acting was certainly odd. I'm a clever princess, so I suspected that the vk's were up to something. As Lonnie and I entered the kitchen, I saw Mal cover something up. To me, it looked like a book. A spell book, perhaps?

Maybe that's why they panicked when Lonnie tasted the cookie batter. It must have had a spell in it. So they're baking cookies with a spell in them? What kind of spell? Why? I was thinking about it so hard, my brain hurt. "I guess I'll get the answers to my questions tomorrow," I thought, before going to sleep.

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