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Regina's point of view:

It was three days after the coronation. On that day, I was going to talk to Jane and Lonnie about why they did what they did. I've had time to think about it, and I was ready to talk to them. "Come in!" I said as I heard a knock on the door to Ben's office. Jane and Lonnie came into the room. Ben knew what this was about, so he left the room, leaving me to talk to the girls.

"Sit down," I said, gesturing to the two chairs across from the desk. The girls sat down in the chairs. "I'm sorry that I was angry with you," I told them. Lonnie shook her head. "No. Regina, you had every right to be angry with us. We made a big mistake. We're the ones who's sorry." "Really sorry," added Jane. "It's okay. However, I want to know something; why did you go over to Audrey's side, even after I told you what happened?" I asked. Jane sighed. "I wasn't thinking, Regina. Neither of us were. I'm so sorry," she said. "Me too," agreed Lonnie. "Why did you say that to Mal anyway, Jane? Family Day was already a disaster, and you saying that to Mal just made it worse. What happened wasn't even her fault," I said.

"I just wanted to be liked," Jane replied meekly. I shook my head. "Do you think that saying mean things to others, about others, will make people like you?" I asked. "I guess not," Jane replied. "Exactly. You would have become as much a bully to Mal as Audrey and Chad are to me," I replied. "I'm sorry," Jane said quietly. "You should say that to Mal, not to me." "You're right," Jane said. Lonnie agreed, since she also laughed at Mal. "Can you forgive us, Regina? Please?" Lonnie asked.

I sighed. "I know you didn't mean to hurt Mal and me. So, yes. I forgive you. However, I don't trust you," I replied. Jane and Lonnie were shocked. "What do you mean?" Jane asked. "You two were my very good friends, and I trusted you. However, you went over to Audrey's side without thinking. What if it happens again?" I asked. The girls looked down. "You're right. We were so foolish to believe Audrey's words. We promise not to believe such silly things," Lonnie said. "Promise?" I asked. "Pinky promise," Jane replied, extending her pinky to me. I smiled and linked my pinky with her's, then Lonnie's, saying that it'll take some time for me to trust them again, which they understood. "One more thing Jane. Mal said that she was the one who 'put that crazy stuff in your head'. What did she mean by that?" I asked. Jane showed me what Mal told her, and my face turned red in anger. 'I'll talk to her about that later,' I thought.

After Audrey and Chad returned from their suspension, Fairy Godmother gathered all the students together in the auditorium. Chad and Audrey were seated in chairs on one side of the stage, while Ben, the Vk's and me sat on the other side. Fairy Godmother stood in the middle, behind the lectern. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here," Fairy Godmother said. They all nodded. "With what you've done to Regina, I think it's time you knew the truth," she replied. Fairy Godmother gestured to a man who was in the projection room. Apparently, the headmistress downloaded the security camera footage onto a flash drive, and everyone watched it.

Once it was done, everyone who helped spread the rumor looked down in shame. "Sorry Regina," they all said. "It's okay. At least the rumor was stopped before it spread any further. Just promise me that next time, you'll stop and think about weather something is true or not before spreading rumors," I replied. They all promised, then I turned to Audrey. "By the way, Audrey. Why did you spread that rumor about me in the first place? Was it to get revenge on me for advising Ben to break up with you?" I asked. "No," Audrey replied. "It was to get revenge on you for being a tattletale."

I stepped back, stunned. "A tattletale? What are you talking about?" I asked. "You told Fairy Godmother that I made Ben accidentally scratch you. Because of this, I got in trouble. I had to take my revenge somehow," she replied. Ben and I shook our heads. We looked at each other, and I spoke first. "Okay, first of all, that wasn't okay, Audrey. Second of all, I wasn't the one who told Fairy Godmother about my arm." "What?" Audrey cried. "Then who did?" "I did. I told Fairy Godmother about that," Ben replied. "What?" Audrey cried. "So I guess I'm the tattletale," Ben said angrily.

"You're no tattletale, Ben," Fairy Godmother said. "You reported Audrey to me. Good job." The others were confused, so Fairy Godmother explained the difference between tattling and reporting. One of the students was very angry at Audrey. She made me feel bad for nothing, and she couldn't belive that she would say such things about Ben's parents or my mom, who spends her weekends giving art lessons to the children of Auradon. Just then, Cinderella unexpectedly spoke up. "Regina, after Kit and I escorted Chad back to his dorm room, he told us that you were in on the Villain Kids' plan to get Fairy Godmother's magic wand. Is that true?" she asked. "What?!" I cried, stunned. "Where ever did you get that idea, Chad?" Ben asked. "I heard Regina talking to the Villain kids the night before Family Day. I got the idea when I heard her say 'wand'," Chad replied.

I shook my head and looked at Chad angrily. "Were you spying on me again?" I asked. Chad nodded. "Okay. First of all, Chad Charming, you weren't supposed to hear that, let alone spy on me at all. Second of all, you're half right and half wrong," I said. "What do you mean?" Kit asked me. "Yes, I did talk to the Villain kids the night before Family Day, but it wasn't because I wanted to steal the wand with them. I was trying to talk them out if it," I said before holding my magic necklace. I played the memory of when I talked to the Villain kids, after Mal admitted to giving putting a love spell in the cookie she gave to Ben.

After my conversation with the Villain kids was over, Chad's face turned red in embarrassment. He apologized to me, and promised to never bully me again. As we left to go back to our classes, I pulled Mal aside to confront her about what happened with Jane in the bathroom "Why did you say those things to Jane, Mal?" I asked her. "Remember when we first got here. The only thing I wanted was Fairy Godmother's wand. Since Jane was her daughter..." began Mal. "That Jane would get you the wand?" I asked. She nodded. "Since you owned up, I'll let it go this time. But there better not be a next time, " I warned her. "Promise," Mal replied. "Good," I said. "One more thing, Regina. Does your mom really teach art?" Mal asked. "Yep. She teaches on Saturday mornings and on Sunday afternoons after church.It's completely free, and I could sign you up if you want," I replied. Mal nodded and gave me a hug, then we walked off to our respective classes.

That's the end of Daughter of Rapunzel, as I've said before, the story isn't quite finished yet. I just need your honest opinion. In the second part: "Descendants 2", should Regina go to the Isle with the others, or not?

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