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Regina's point of view Yesterday was definitely a bad day for me

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Regina's point of view
Yesterday was definitely a bad day for me. I hope that today would be better. Ben, Audrey and I were by the lockers. Below us, outside by some of the picnic tables, some girls were with Lonnie and Jane, braiding their hair.

They noticed Mal, and said that they loved their new hair. I smiled, because Jane was being more confident and making friends. Audrey, on the other hand, was not happy. "Fairy Godmother is not happy about the change in Jane's hair. Do you think people actually pay for those things?" she asked. "What's the harm in that?" Ben asked.

"Yeah. What's the harm? They're just changing their hair. We do it all the time," I added. "It's gateway magic! Sure first starts with the hair, then it's the lips, the legs, then everyone else will look good and then...where will I be?" she asked dramatically. My mouth dropped to the floor. "Are you really that concerned about the way you look, Audrey?" I asked in disbelief.

"And you're not?" Audrey replied. "No. Everyone is special in their own way, not just in their looks. Besides, it doesn't matter what someone looks like. It's what inside that counts," I said. "Blah, blah, blah," Audrey mocked, making me shake with anger. "Listen Audrey," Ben began, but Audrey cut him off. "I'll see you later, after my dress-fitting for the coronation. Okay, Benny-boo?" Audrey asked, making me roll my eyes as she kissed his cheek, then she left.

As soon as Audrey was out of ear-shot, I turned to Ben. "Ben, as your royal advisor, I advise you to do one thing; break up with Audrey," I told him. Ben shook his head and said "No Regina. I can't do that. She'll be heartbroken." "Listen Ben. I know you have a golden heart just like I do, but I agree with Audrey on one thing; you are very trusting. So trusting in fact, that you don't look past that fake smile Audrey has and see her true colors. But I do. And you know what I believe?" I asked. "What do you believe, Regina?" Ben asked me.

"I believe that Audrey's only dating you because you're the future king. That she's only dating you to get closer to the crown," I replied. "Really?" Ben asked. "Mm-hmm. Besides, I noticed that she makes you feel uncomfortable. What you need, Ben, is a girl who loves you for who you are inside, not just for the crown, as I'm sure Audrey is," I replied. "Who do you have in mind?" Ben asked.

"Hey Benny-boo," we heard someone say. I froze, thinking that Audrey was back, but Ben tapped my shoulder and showed me that it was Mal. I sighed in relief. At least it wasn't Audrey. "I baked some cookies. Double chocolate chip. Want one?" Mal asked, showing Ben a cookie in a plastic bag.

I gave Mal a skeptical look. "Double chocolate-chip cookies?" I asked. "Uh-Huh. Would you like one, too?" she asked me, handing me one. I hesitated, but I took the bag anyway. "I shouldn't eat before the game," Ben replied. "I see. You don't trust villains to give you food," Mal teased.

Ben gave in, took the cookie, and ate it. "Mm. It's very chewy," he said. I was just about to eat mine when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see... "Do you always have little golden flecks in your eyes?" I heard Ben ask. I turned and saw that he was looking directly at Mal while he said that. I was a little bit confused about it.

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