Chapter 1: Proclamation and meet Regina

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Regina's POV

Hi, I'm Regina, daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, who prefers to be called Eugene. Being Rapunzel's daughter, I was born with the same magical golden hair that my mother used to have. Thankfully, thanks to Fairy Godmother, who gave me a magic brush, and special necklace, I can change the length of my hair to be as long or as short as I want.

Ben, son of King Beast and Queen Belle became my best friend when we were 6. While he was walking with his parents, they saw that Chad, son of Cinderella kept pulling my hair, and stepped on it, causing me to fall. They came to my rescue, stopped Chad, and Ben helped me up, after that we became best friends. Once they took me home, I thanked Ben.

I was honored when before Ben's coronation as King of Auradon, he asked me to be his royal advisor. As we were getting fitted for it, and Ben looked out his window towards the Isle of the Lost, our parents came in.

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby," said King Beast as he and his wife Queen Belle came in. "He's turning 16 dear," smiled Queen Belle. "Regina is too," added Mom. "King Beast. Queen Belle," I smiled at them, curtsying. Behind him, I saw my parents Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene come in. "Hi mom. Hi dad," I waved.

"Hello Flower," smiled Mom. "Hi honey," smiled dad. "Hey pops," smiled Ben from his spot on the platform. "16? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42," said King Beast. "Uh, you decided to marry me at 28," Queen Belle replied. "Well, it was either you or the teapot. Kidding," joked King Beast, making his wife look insulted. Mom and dad laughed, while Ben chuckled, and I giggled.

"Mom, Dad, I have chosen my first official proclamation," Ben said. "With my help, of course," I said proudly. Ben smiled at me and continued. "I decided that the children of the Isle of the Lost should be given a chance to live here in Aurodan," Ben announced. Queen Belle dropped a jacket that she was holding, and my parents looked shocked.

"Every time I look out towards the Isle, I feel like they've been abandoned," Ben replied. "Me too," I agreed, going to Ben's side. "The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" asked King Beast. To me, it looked like he was going to blow his top. "Yes. We'll start out with a few at first. The ones who need our help the most," I said. "Yeah. I've already chosen them," Ben added. "Have you now?" King Beast asked angrily.  "I gave you a second chance," replied Queen Belle, making her husband soften.

"Who are their parents?" she asked her son. "Cruella De Vil, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Maleficent, and..Mother Gothel," Ben replied. The tailor shrieked at Maleficent's name, however, when Ben mentioned Mother Gothel, I was so shocked, I fainted. When I woke up, everyone: Ben, his parents, and my parents, were all looking at me worried. "Regina, are you okay?" Ben asked. "Y-yes, Ben. For a second there, I thought you said that you invited the child of Mother Gothel to come here," I  said weakly. "I did say that," Ben mumbled. "What?!" I screamed, then lightly slapped Ben across the face. "You didn't tell me!"

"Along with Mother Gothel, you're also inviting Maleficent?!" King Adam yelled at Ben, making me cover my ears. "Maleficent is the worst villain of all!" King Beast yelled. "Dad, just hear me out," Ben pleaded. "No! I won't hear any of it! Those villains are guilty of unspeakable crimes," King Beast roared. "Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a chance at a better life? Dad?" Ben asked his father. "I agree with Ben, majesty. If you think about it, the villains, including the 5 Ben mentioned are imprisoned on the Isle for their crimes. Their children haven't done anything. It's not fair to keep children who haven't done anything bad to us, on an island prison for something their parents did, and not them. Don't you agree, King Adam? Sire?" I asked, recovering from shock.

"I suppose their children are innocent," King Beast admitted. "Us too," Mom and Dad agreed. With that, they turned and left us. However, Queen Belle stayed for a few moments to straighten Ben's jacket. "Well done," she whispered, and turned to me. "Regina, darling. Are you going to be okay with this?" Queen Belle asked me in a motherly tone. "Even though I'm just now learning that one of the children invited here is the offspring of the woman that kidnapped my mother? Yes Queen Belle. If Ben thinks he deserves a chance here, I'll be there to help him the whole way," I told Her Majesty. Belle hugged me saying, "I'm so glad that my son has you for a best friend." I smiled and Queen Belle left us to join her husband.

"Thanks for agreeing with me, Regina," Ben said. "You're welcome, Ben. But honestly, how could you invite the child of Mother Gothel without telling me?" I asked, slightly angry. "You're my best friend. Best friends shouldn't keep secrets from each other." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was inviting Mother Gothel's child. I just didn't want you to worry. And lose my best friend," Ben sighed. "Well, I must admit, I am shocked, but it's okay Ben. I understand. Don't worry, I promise that I'll always be your best friend, no matter what. But you know what Mother Gothel did: kidnapping my mother when she was just a baby, and selfishly using her hair for 18 years, just so she could stay young. (gulp) Do you think her child will do that to me?" I asked nervously. Ben put his arm around me. "If he tries that, he'll have to deal with me. Besides, we won't know what he or she will do until they get here," he said. I hugged him, and said "You're right. Don't judge a book by its cover is what we're always taught." Ben smiled at me and we both walked out of the room to plan for the villain kids' arrival.

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