Bathroom and chemistry class

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Meanwhile, Mal had caught up with Jane, who was looking in the mirror, fixing her hair. However, when she saw Mal come in, the girl turned around and looked at her fearfully with wide eyes. "Hi! It's Jane, right? Ah, I've always loved that name; Jane," said Mal. "It's cool," replied Jane. She tried to leave, only to have Mal get in her way.

"Don't go! I was kind of hoping to make a friend. You probably have all the friends in the world," said Mal. "Hardly. The only friend I have is Regina," Jane replied sadly. "Really? I was thinking with your mother being headmistress and not to mention your own um...personality," replied Mal. "I'd rather be pretty. You have great hair," sighed Jane. Mal looked at a lock of her hair, and then smirked, getting an idea. "You know, I think I have just the thing for that." Mal then opened to a page in her spell book.

She opened it, turned to a page and said "Beware, foreswear. Replace the old with new hair." After she said that, she pointed at Jane, and waved her finger: left, right, and then down. Jane followed Mal's finger, and when her head came back up, her hair was different. It was darker, longer, and curly. She looked in the mirror and was surprised by how she looked. "Wow! You hardly notice your featurs anymore," Mal said.

"Do my nose!" Jane gasped, tapping the spell book. "Oh, I can't. I've been practicing, but I can't really do magic. Your mother has her wand," replied Mal. "She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes that magic only exists in books. Not magic of course," said Jane. "I'm sure that she loves you. In her own way, of course. If you could get me her wand, then you'll be more beautiful," replied Mal. Jane agreed and walked out.

Regina's point-of-view
I walked into my class, which was chemistry, with the ice pack on my cheek. My classmates were surprised to see it. When our teacher Mr. Delay saw me, he asked what happened. I was about to answer, when I saw Chad shake his head at me, giving me a stern look. Flinching at that, I whispered to him "I..I..I'll tell you after class, sir." Then I took my seat, two seats down from Doug, and Evie was between us. However, she didn't even notice me come in or sit down. She didn't even say hello. She had her head propped up on her hand, and I couldn't help but notice her staring dreamily at Chad, who sat across from us.

I know. Chad, my childhood bully, who apparently is still. I know what you're thinking. I should ask him to stop, or tell a teacher, but I don't. Every time I see him he tells me not to tell a teacher, or anyone. Otherwise, he'll cut my hair. To remind me, he does a snip-snip motion with his fingers. He thinks that it's funny to see me so scared, but to be honest, it makes me more hurt, angry, and annoyed than scared.

"Any chance that he's in line for the throne? Anywhere in line?" Evie asked Doug. "Chad. Prince Charming Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad inherited the charm, but there's not a lot there there, you know what I mean?" said Doug. "I do," I said quietly in agreement. "Looks there there to me," Evie replied, making me sigh. I leaned behind her towards Doug to whisper to him. "I'll try to keep her from falling for that charming snake," I said. Doug nodded. As I got back in position, Mr. Delay came up, and called Evie's name.

"Evie. This is probably just a review for you. So tell me, what's the average atomic weight of silver?" he asked. Evie snapped out of her "trance" and looked at him. "The atomic weight of silver? Uh, well not very much. It's just an atom, right?" she replied. However, Mr. Delay cleared his throat holding a piece of chalk. I saw Evie grab something out of her purse, then she went up to the board.

"Let's see. How did I find the average atomic weight of silver? That would be 106.905 times .5200, plus 108.905 times .4800, which Mr. Delay, would give us 107.9 am.." Evie said. "Amu?" asked Doug. Mr. Delay was impressed. "I forgot. Always a mistake to underestimate.." he began. "A villain?" interrupted Evie, tossing the chalk back to him. "Don't make it it again," she added, heading back to her seat. Chad handed her a piece of paper to her as she walked by. Once Evie was back at her seat, she read the note and smiled. Doug pouted, concerning me.

I tapped Evie on her shoulder. "What did Chad give you?" I whispered in her ear. Evie passed me the piece of paper over her shoulder. I took it, and read it. On it were the words "Meet me under the bleachers at 3:00." I gasped quietly, and my eyes went wide. "What's wrong?" Evie asked. "I can't tell you now. I'll tell you after class," I told her. Chad gave me the "I''ll be watching you" motion, which sent a chill through my body. After class, I remembered that I needed to talk to Mr. Delay about my bruise. I waited until everyone had gotten up from their seats and left.

Afterwards, I went to Mr. Delay's desk, and sat down in a chair next to it. "Now, please tell me Regina. Why do you have an ice-pack on your cheek?" he asked. "This is why," I replied. I slowly removed the ice pack, and the bruise was visible now. "What happened?" Mr. Delay asked, shocked. I gulped, then looked out the door, and saw that no one was out there. However, I still spoke in a hushed voice. "Chad did this to me," I said, and told him everything.

Mr. Delay looked at me, shocked. Then he said, "I did see him look sternly at you. Don't worry. I'll punish him for this." "Okay. Just don't tell him that I told you," I replied. Mr. Delay agreed, and I walked out of the classroom. "Are you okay?" asked a voice, making me jump. I turned and saw Evie, standing by the doorway. "Oh! Oh, Evie. It's just you," I said catching my breath. "Oh, sorry. Are you okay though?" she asked. "I think so. Now, there's something I want to tell you about Chad," I said as we walked down the hall.

"What's that?" asked Evie. "Doug was right about Chad inheriting the charm. He's so charming that he uses that charm to reel girls in, and trick them into doing things for him," I replied. Evie looked as if she took no notice of what I said. "He's so handsome and charming. My Prince Charming," she sighed dreamily. I shook my head. "Evie. Chad is so charming that he tricks girls into doing things for him," I repeated. "He can't be trusted," I added. "Really?" Evie asked, not really believing me. "It's true. Several girls come running to me in tears for comfort. They said that after they do Chad's homework, they see him with another girl, who he also tricks into doing his homework, and so-on and so-on. I don't want you to fall for his charm too." "Okay. I'll try not to," Evie sighed. "Good," I replied, and went to get Goldie.

Usually, this is the time of day that I take my dog outside to get some exercise. However, I was hurt, so Ben offered to do it for me. He said that he'd bring her back to me after her jog around the field. I smiled, and went to Mal and Evie's dorm room to rest, like Mal offered.

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