Family Day fiasco part 2

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Just so you know, since Chad's in Fairy Godmother's office, he won't be interrupting Doug.
Regina's point of view
Evie was in surgery to get the scissors out of her arm. We all just sat down in chairs or sat up. We all sat down in silence, but I could hear Mal crying. Ben wrapped his arm around her, and I held her hand, while brushing my hair with my magic hairbrush, to make it long enough to wrap around Evie's arm to heal her. I just couldn't believe what just happened. Chad ruined Family Day, and apparently, Audrey started it, from what Mal told me.

'Maybe if I had just kept quiet, what happened to Evie wouldn't have happened.' I thought. Just then, a nurse poked her head out. "Regina, it's time for you to do your thing," she said. "Okay," I replied standing up. I was about to go inside, when Grayson put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "What?" I asked, annoyed.

"What are you going to do?" asked Grayson. I rolled my eyes. "Remember when I told you that my hair has the power to heal?" I asked. "Yes," replied Grayson. "Well, I'm going to use it to heal Evie. You can watch it from here," I said before going inside the room, and washed my hands. Then, I sat down beside Evie, wrapped my hair around the wound in her arm, closed my eyes and sang the healing song.

"There. All done," I said. At that very moment, Evie woke up. "Regina? What are you doing in here?" she asked groggily. "I healed you. With my magic hair," I said with a laugh, as I carefully unwrapped my hair from Evie's arm. When Evie looked at her arm, she was flabbergasted by what she saw. Her arm was completely healed. It looked as if nothing happened to it at all. "Thank you, Regina. Thank you so much," Evie cried, hugging me. "You're very welcome, Evie. It's what I do," I replied. I helped her out of bed, and outside to the others. Mal hugged Evie, and Grayson kissed my cheek.

Just then, my phone rang. "Hello," I said. "Hello Regina. Your surprise is ready," said a voice on the other end. "Great. I'll be right there," I replied, and hung up. "Who was that?" asked Carlos. "I have to get something from the kitchen. You guys go find a picnic table, and I'll see you later," I said before walking away.

Grayson's point-of-view:

Me and the rest of the Vk's were sitting at a picnic table, under a shady tree. We were all a bit shaken from Chad's attack on Evie, but thankfully, Regina was able to help her. As we sat in silence, we heard Regina's voice calling us. "Over here, Regina!" Carlos called back. Regina came over to us with a plate in her hands, and Ben was with her. "Hey guys. How's everyone doing?" Ben asked. "Fine," I mumbled, but no one else said a word. "Listen, things will get better after the coronation. I promise," Ben went on. "You have Regina and I. We'll always be by your side." Ben then kissed Mal on the head, whispered something in her ear, and left, but Regina stayed with us. "What's that you got there, Regina?" Jay asked Regina, eyeing the plate she was holding. "Cookies," Regina replied, setting the plate down. As we each took a cookie, Regina asked us, "Would you like some company? Can I sit with you?" We all looked at Mal, who nodded, and scooched over so she could sit down.

"Are guys okay?" Regina asked awkwardly. We all shrugged our shoulders. "I'm feeling so-so too. Glad you're feeling better, Evie," she replied. "Thank you, Regina," Evie replied. "Evie!" a voice called. We all turned to see Doug coming over to us. "Evie!" Doug cried, running over to us. He took Evie's hand. "I was so worried about you. Thank goodness you're okay," he said. "Thank, Doug. I'm sorry for what happened earlier," replied Evie. "It's not your fault. You were just protecting Regina," Doug replied.

Regina spoke up. "Doug's right. What happened today wasn't your fault. If anyone is at fault, it's..." "You!" a voice screamed, making us jump. Regina jumped too, and fell backwards off of her seat. Thankfully, Mal and I were able to catch her before she hit the ground. "Regina, are you okay?" Mal asked concerned. "I...I think so," she replied. "Aww, did wittle baby Regina get scared?" a voice mocked. Regina's face turned as red as my jacket when she heard that. There was only one person that called her a baby: Audrey. When we turned to face her, Regina gasped.

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