Dorms, tour, and secrets

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Regina's point-of-view:

We began walking towards the dorms where the VK's will be staying, and stopped in front of some doors. "Here's your dorm, boys," I smiled, opening up a door. "Thank you," smiled Carlos. "No problem. Mal, Evie, follow me to your's," I replied. Before we walked away, I stopped and turned around. "Grayson? I-I just wanted to say how sorry I am for yelling at you earlier," I sighed. "Oh. That's okay," Grayson replied, only to be punched in the arm by Jay. "No. I shouldn't have yelled like that. How about I make it up to you, all of you, by giving you a private tour of the school? I could show you around and show you where your classes are. What do you say?" I suggested. Everyone thought about it, then came to a decision. "We'll do it," Mal replied. "Great. Mal, Evie. Follow me to your dorm," I smiled, and I walked them two doors down.

"Here's your dorm, girls. My dorm is 2 doors down. When you're settled, come knock on my door, and I'll give you a tour," I smiled. As the girls went to their dorm room, I started to walk away, but I stopped when I heard Mal and Evie say something. "Wow. This is so amaz.." Evie started.  "Gross," Mal interrupted. "Yeah. I know. Amazingly gross. Ew," Evie corrected.

"Huh?" I asked, poking my head through the door, then I looked around. "Oh. Audrey. Sorry girls. I personally wanted to decorate your dorm so it's to your liking, but Audrey kept pushing Fairy Godmother to have her do it until she gave in. Thankfully, I have something that help with decorating to your style," I said. "What?" asked Mal. "It's in my dorm room. I'll be right back," I replied, and walked to my dorm room.

A few minutes later, I came back with two bags; a purple one for Mal, and a blue one for Evie. "Here you are. I sewed them myself," I said giving them the bags. "What is it?" asked Mal. "Open them up and see," I giggled. They opened their bags, and pulled out two quilts. "A quilt?" asked Mal. "Ah. But not just any quilt. Look what's on the front," I told them. They turned their quilts around and saw their faces on the quilts. "You sewed these yourself?" asked Mal. "Mm-hmm. Just for you," I smiled. "Thank you," Evie said, hugging me. "Your welcome. I'll give you a few minutes to get settled, then come get me when you're ready to start the tour," I replied, pulling out of the hug.

As I left, Mal and Evie closed the curtains, and a few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it, and there were all the VK's standing there. "Great, you're here. Let's start the tour," I smiled, and led them down the hall. I showed them the science classrooms, the library, the cafateria, the Tourney field, and where their new class was going to be. "Well, that wraps up the tour. Any questions before we head back to our dorms?" I asked.

"I have one," Evie replied. "Ask away," I said. "Why are you being so nice to us? Audrey was rude to us, but not you. You stood up for me, too. Why?" she asked. "Oh. To answer your question, Evie, I'm going to have to tell you a little story about my mom. That is, if you wanna hear it," I replied with a sly smirk. "Of course we do," Carlos replied. Grayson gave me a pleading look. "Please do, Regina!" he cried, down on his knees, begging me. "You told me the truth about what happened to your mother, and I want to know more. Please!" I laughed at this, and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Okay Grayson. Please get up off the floor. You'll get all dirty," I said, helping him up. Then I continued. "When Mom and Dad first ventured out of the tower, one of the places in the kingdom they went was a tavern. The people there were kind of scary-looking, but Mom took the time to get to know them, saw past their exteriors, and they turned out to be really nice. If mom 'didn't judge a book by its cover', then I don't either," I explained. "Didn't judge a book by its cover? What does that mean?" asked Carlos.

I giggled. "What that means Carlos is that you shouldn't judge someone because of how they look. Someone may look different, but that doesn't mean they're bad. I didn't judge you when I first looked at you guys. I can tell that you have goodness inside of you," I explained. "How can you possibly say that? We were raised by villains, so we're villains too, just like them," Mal pointed out. "Well, I just told you that my mother was raised by Mother Gothel too, and she's nothing like her. If she was, then I would be in my castle right now. Forbidden to go outside," I replied.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

"Anyone else have any more questions?" I asked. "Ben seems awfully protective of you, Regina," Mal remarked. "Oh, yes he is. He's like a brother to me. The reason he's so protective is because of how we met," I replied, as we began to walk back. "How did you meet?" asked Jay suddenly. Hearing that made me stop in my tracks, and caused everyone to bump into me. "Regina? Are you okay?" asked Evie, concerned. "Uh..y-yes Evie. I'm fine. To answer your question Jay, it's complicated. How me and Ben met is a big secret that only the two of us know," I replied.

"A secret, huh?" Mal asked slyly. "Uh-huh. But since you're new here, you have the right to know. Just don't tell anyone else, okay?" I asked, nervously. Everyone nodded, and stepped closer to me. Taking a deep breath, I let it out. "I was bullied when I was 6 years old, and it was Ben and his parents who came to my rescue," I revealed. Everyone looked surprised. "Bullied? You?" asked Carlos. "Y-yes," I stuttered.

"Who bullied you?" asked Grayson. "A boy who goes to this school," I answered. "Tell us all about it, please?" Evie asked. "Okay," I sighed. I explained to them that while I was playing in the castle garden, a boy sprang out from behind some bushes, and landed on me. As soon as I got up, he yanked my hair, which made me trip and fall. Ben and his parents, who were patrolling Auradon, heard me scream and pulled the boy away from me. "That's how we met," I finished.

"Wow. You poor thing," Evie said sympathetically. "Thank you," I smiled sadly. "Only Ben and you know about this?" asked Jay. "And Ben's parents as well as mine," I replied. "And did you tell your bully's parents?" Mal asked. " No. I didn't. Instead I told them that we were playing, and things got out of control," I replied. "What? You-you lied to them?" Carlos asked. "Yes. I wanted to tell them the truth, but I couldn't. Especially if it meant losing my gift," I replied.

"What do you mean?" asked Grayson. "(sigh). Before Ben and his parents rescued me from my bully, he whispered a threat in my ear. He said that if I told his parents, he'd cut my hair," I revealed, shivering nervously. "And what's the problem with that?" Jay asked. "What's the problem?!!" I asked angrily. "Remember what I told you about what happened to Mom after Dad cut her hair?" I asked. "Oh. Now I understand. You don't want your hair to lose its magic like your mother's hair did," Evie realized. "Exactly," I nodded. "Sorry about Audrey," I sighed.

"It's alright. You and her aren't good friends?" Mal asked. "Not at all. Ben thinks that it's because she's just jealous," I replied. "Why would he think that?" asked Grayson. "Well, I think that it's because, 1: since I'm Ben's best friend, he usually spends time with me. And 2: that I'm the only one here at school with magic hair. I'm so glad that I'm not like her," I explained, as we reached the dorms. "I hope you enjoyed the tour. Good evening," I smiled, and began to walk away. Suddenly, I heard my name being called. "Hmm?" I asked.

"Regina. I have one thing that I need to know. Since you have the same magic hair that your mother Rapunzel had, don't you have the same powers too?" asked Grayson. "Uh, yes. It has the power to heal the sick and injured, resurrect the dead, bestow eternal youth, and even work as a shield. It's not just my hair that's magical, but my tears are too," I explained. "You know that my mother needed the flower's magic that was in Rapunzel's hair to maintain her youth, right?" asked Grayson. Hearing that made me back up a little in fear. "Y-yes, I know. Listen, if my people knew that the flower belonged to someone, the guards wouldn't have taken it. But my grandparents really needed the flower for a very important reason," I replied.

"What sort of reason?" asked Evie. "I'll tell you that tomorrow. Now just isn't the time to do it. Right now, I have to call it a night. Goodbye," I replied. They all waved goodbye, and I dashed towards my dorm. Once I got inside, I saw my labradoodle Goldie waiting on my bed, and my roommate/ best gal pal Melody, Ariel's daughter. "Hi Regina," smiled Melody. "Hey Mel," I sighed. "What's wrong?" asked Melody, seeing my sad face. I took a deep breath and told her everything from Grayson calling me his niece to Audrey calling me Ben's 'baby' sister. "Oh my goodness. You poor thing," cried Melody, who immediately hugged me.

"Thanks. (sigh). That's one of the cons to being the 'extra special' student. You're always the one getting picked on," I sighed. "Maybe. But I feel sorry for you. It's not fair that you're the one always getting picked on," Melody replied. "Thank you," I smiled. As the day went on, Melody and I did our homework and got ready for bed. While I admit that my first meeting with the villain kids got off to a bumpy start, I think we're all going to be great friends.

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