Nice To See You Again/Let's Get to Work

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James seated himself besides his uncle. It was time for the post fight press conference to take place.

"Right then, James, you put on a terrific performance tonight against Vlad Volkov and scored the knock out win in twenty seconds. How does it feel knowing that today you came back after years and won against a challenging opponent?" James picked up his mic.

"Twenty seconds? I didn't realize it ended this quickly. Yeah, obviously it feels great that I uhh... You know, came back and beat one of the best here. So obviously I'm happy that my hard work paid off against him. Because this man, my uncle, wouldn't let me touch any food I enjoyed. It was vegetables and water, and that's it."

"How're you feeling James?"

"Feeling good, feeling alive." James replied.

"That's great. So what I wanted to ask was regarding a statement you made on Geo News a few days ago. You said that you really didn't like being around people. What do you mean by this."

"Well, I guess I should've clarified. I have mild social anxiety, hence I don't like being around very many people. Which is very ironic considering the fact that I uhh... I do what I do and perform in front of thousands of people live. But that's only because I'm my mind, I have a safe haven around the ring and I feel secure in it. If you put me in a crowd of people, I won't do very well. Around another person or a few people in seclusion, I'll do fine."

"James, like everyone else, I'd like to also congratulate you for your outstanding performance tonight. Who're you looking to fight next, do you have anyone in mind?"

"Well, I'll answer that question. Before I do so, I'd explain my ideology on how I pick my fights. I'll take you step by step, bare with me. Ok, so let's say any ol' fighter challenges me, I'd first of all, look at their caliber. They need a caliber either higher than mine, or atleast equal. I make exceptions for up and coming fighters who might challenge me while having less of a name. If I like their hustle, I wouldn't mind taking it. The likes of young fighters like Derrick Denis, Hanzo Kim and Haruto Izo to name a few. The one's who're around my age, kicking ass left, right and centre, yet not receiving their much deserved recognition. I'd make exceptions in cases like these. Anyways, I don't want to divert off topic. So if they have that caliber, I'd like to see their current record. If they're on a winning streak and hit me up so they can break that streak, I'd advance with them, given they match into my next criteria. Now if you're on a losing streak, I don't mean one or two, I mean four or five, and speak my name, I would ignore it because honestly, I wouldn't want to kick a dead horse. Lastly, the fight itself my be able to generate income. Because, my name or that person's name being big, wouldn't matter if people don't show interest. I don't want to be paid less just to fight against a big name, I want to fight against a big paycheck. Now to answer your original question, I have a few names in mind."

"What do you have to say to the bets which majority placed against you?"

"I don't blame them. They thought this lads fresh and fighting. While this other guy hasn't done so in however many years. Only thing I really want to say to them is that they lost alot of money tonight."

"Right, last question please." Said Nobuyuki Sakakibara.

"My question is regarding how and why you chose Vlad?"

"Well, in all honesty, I didn't. My uncle did. But uhh... I uhh... I would've also picked an opponent like him because he's Vlad 'Dynamite' Volkov, come on." James answered, thus concluding the session.

"I want to thank every here for coming and asking your questions. Unfortunately, we had to cut this session short because James's team requested us to do so as his leg isn't in the best shape at the moment If you have some questions for Vlad Volkov, please do stick around." Said Nobuyuki Sakakibara

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