What's Inside?

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Yo. For this one, I wanted to really focus on mainly fighting. Chapters after this would be largely related to fighting as well. Don't worry, I'll make sure Nagatoro is there. Enjoy.

James POV:

I almost fell back in fear of the realization. The ringing was coming from inside the box. I took a huge step away from it as my heart began to race.

That's not a fucking coincidence!

I thought to myself. I felt highly nauseous all of a sudden. I covered my mouth, sprinted to my bathroom and upchucked profusely into my toilet. I began breathing heavily while clutching my knees.

Calm down James, calm down! Maybe  uncle dropped his phone inside...

I thought to myself in an attempt to make sense of the situation.

What the fuck am I thinking, he doesn't work at Amazon, how would he even manage that if he wanted?

I moaned out of frustration.

Calm, calm, calm. Just go check what's inside of the box. Yeah, do that.

I thought to myself as I mustered up the courage to do so. Finally, it came to me as I began walking quickly towards my living room. After long, I reached the room  only to be greeted by a not so welcoming surprise. The box was torn open. There were packing peanuts all over the place. My heart skipped a beat as I saw it before my eyes. Foolishly, I crept towards the box still eager to see what's was inside. After what felt like an eternity, I reached it and glanced inside carefully. Immediately, the glowing light emitting from the screen of a phone caught my eye. I slowly reached inside and grasped the phone with my hand. There were multiple notifications saying the same thing on them "James called five minutes ago".

What followed was about the most frightening experience of my life as I was jerked up to my feet by my throat from behind. I dropped the phone and out of instinct sunk my chin and fingers into crook of their elbow expecting to be put into a rear naked choke. I was right to guess as what followed was an attempt by the person to execute the hold. I hooked my right leg behind his and tripped him which allowed me to slip away and get a distance away from them. I immediately put eyes on the person who had got to their feet. It was a light skinned man from the colour of his hands. He was tall, taller than me by a few inches and wore an all black attire consisting of black trousers and black shirt. But what he sported on his face was the most eye catching. He wore a demon oni mask in his face which was covered slightly by strands of his long grey hair.

"How stupid of you, after escaping from a choke hold, you don't even go for the mount?" He said in a disfigured demonic voice

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"How stupid of you, after escaping from a choke hold, you don't even go for the mount?" He said in a disfigured demonic voice.

"Who the fuck are you? And why do you have my uncle's phone with you?" I asked trying my best to sound un-intimidated when in reality I was shook to the core.

"Who I am doesn't matter, but if you want to see your uncle, you'll need to pass your trail first." He replied in that same demonic voice.

"What trial?" I asked. He cracked his knuckles.

"Me." He replied immediately lunging at me and throwing a head kick which I narrowly ducked under and replied with a spinning head punch which landed and spent him back.

Only a trained fighter can pull of a kick like that, who is this guy?

I thought to myself as I raised my balled fists up to my head and got into my stance. I could sense the smile on his face so he let out a demonic chuckle before pulling up an unorthodox stance with his hands under his chin rather than protecting the head.

He's also unorthodox? Who is this?

I thought to myself as I initiated by throwing a normal jab which he slipped and tried to answer with an immediate left hook. So much for his unorthodox method, I ducked it.

What a rookie mistake, leaving his entire left side open just to land a power punch as a reply to a jab. Maybe this guy isn't as hard as I think.

I thought to myself as a smirk formed on my face. My smirk disappeared as quickly as it came when I received a lightning fast left knee to my chin which sent me stumbling back and almost made me lose my footing. He rushed towards me after seeing a clear opportunity for a take down or knock out. I however was smarter than that and regained my balance and side stepped out of his way. I moved my jaw slightly, it had been a while since I had felt a knee to the chin let alone one with such force behind it.

I picked up my stance and hot back into it. I attempted a take down, but ended by getting intimidated by a herd left hand to my scalp.

This guy is just too confusing. When I'm ready to take him down, he changes his stance into an amazing defensive stance. But whenever I am going to strike, he becomes even more offensive.

I finally landed a hit in him in the form of a leg kick which he checked with no problem. I went in for another takedown, this time narrowly dodging a knee.

But there is a pattern. Everytime I attempted a take down, he gets defensive. Which probably means that he's bad on the ground. Which also means I need to get him to the ground.

I formed a plan in my head. I began becoming less aggressive and more defensive only letting out leg kicks to weaken his legs and occasional stomach kicks to try and get in close and take him down.

"How much longer can you last? Five minutes? Ten minutes? At this rate, you'll be falling before I even break a sweat." He mocked in his voice. I took a deep breath and tried not to let anger blind me. I threw a jab which he easily slipped and replied with a left hook which I slipped under.

Wait a minute, this is the same position I was in when he hit me with that knee!

I thought as I realized what was to come. As soon as I saw his knee rise to strike me, I pulled back and gave out an uppercut to his jaw followed by a flurry of punches to his stomach and head. This forced him to change from offensive to defensive. He began trying to clinch. Each time he did, he received a flurry to his stomach. What caused him to completely drop his guard however, was the knee I gave to his stomach. He let out a wheeze as all the air left his lungs. This also enabled me to take him down which I easily did. He covered up and tried to grab onto me but to no avail. My fists came crashing down on his body and head like a rain of boulders.

Just as I predicted, he's terrible on the ground.

I let out another storm if punches to his body.

"Ja- Jam- James enough I'm done I'm done!" He said as he ripped off his mask and revealed his identify. My eyes almost popped out of my sockets as I realized who it was.


There you have it. It's not too long, but not short. Next chapter will be quite long. In fact, most chapters after this one will be over (hopefully) 3500 words. Plus, there will be a new one every two to three days. At the longest four. This one I promise to preserve. See ya later than. Oh and one more thing, you must be wondering how James magically became a fighter. Well go back and read through my truth or dare chapter. I'll also give insight on this later on. Oh and to the guy who asked if the uncle was in the box, you bet ya sweet bippy he was.

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