Chapter 1 - The Impossible Astronaut

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The Impossible Astronaut, part 1 -

The Oracle was sitting on a picnic blanket with Mickey, Martha and August, spending the day with her friends and godson. August was two years old now and started to run and walk like a little champion. Right now he had settled in his godmother's lap to drink his juice pack.

"I can't believe we still haven't seen him since he's regenerated", Martha told her.

"To me, he's still Big Ears with the buzzcut and the leather jacket", Mickey shrugged.

The women chuckled, not actually knowing him in that description. The Oracle smiled peacefully, "To me, he'll always be the little boy with the strange bowl cut we all had as kids in the dark blue robes of a student."

"Aw, that's so cheesy", Martha giggled, hitting her arm slightly.

She joined in and was about to say something but a young boy, maybe twelve years old, with a skateboard under his arm interrupted, "Excuse me, are you Marilyn Monroe's wife?"

She chuckled, "Did a man in a bowtie tell you to say that?"

"Yes, he gave me a tenner to give this to Marilyn Monroe's wife", he held out a blue envelope with a silver number one on it.

She took it with a smile, "Thank you."

The boy ran away and she started to open the letter. Martha squinted her eyes at her, "Marilyn Monroe's wife?"

"It wasn't a legitimate wedding. Come on. He'll never let me live this down", the Oracle rolled her eyes.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let him live Elizabeth the First down?", Mickey raised an eyebrow.

"So, I have a double standard. Shut up", she replied playfully as she found a card in the envelope.


16:30 MDT

37°0'38°N 110°14'34°W"

"So, why did he give a boy a tenner so he wouldn't have to talk to you?", Martha asked.

"I'm about to find out", she put August down on the blanket to get her vortex manipulator out of her inside pocket, "I have to go, sorry. I love you."

She leaned down to hug Mickey, kiss Martha's head and then August's cheek before waving and taking off. She arrived in the middle of a highway somewhere in America, stepping out of the way when a school bus came to a halt next to her.

"Thanks", Amy stepped out and called to the driver.

"You're very welcome", the driver replied.

"This is it, yeah? The right place?", Amy turned, "Oracle! That's a good sign."

As Amy hugged her for a greeting, Rory mused, "Nowhere, middle of? Yeah, this is it."

He also hugged the Oracle just as the bus drove off and they turned to see-

"Howdy", the Doctor, sitting on a vintage red car, looking as stereotypically midwestern-American as it gets.

"Doctor", Amy called out.

"Haha! It's the Ponds", he jumped off the hood, welcoming Amy into his arms first as she ran and jumped.

"Hey", she greeted happily.

"Hello, Ponds. Come here!"

"So, someone's been a busy boy then, eh?", she asked.

"Did you see me?"

"Of course", she smiled.

"Stalker", he commented.

"Flirt", she gave back.

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