Chapter 15 - Identity

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Identity, part 1 -

In an attempt to steer the conversation away from the topic at hand before anyone could question her, the Oracle picked up the cot and got a move on.

"Where are we going?", River followed immediately, prompting everyone else to follow as well.

"Tardis", she just said.

"But Dad took the Tardis", Astrid argued.

"One of them", she told them.

"But he said there is only one", Rory said, deciding to talk about the topic at hand later.

"Yeah, well, he didn't know any better. Besides, this one's technically broken", she entered the room, labelled Tabetha.

"Why is this room labelled with our daughter's name?", Amy asked, stopping at the door.

"It's my own, personal nightmare-room. Two reversed neural relays in here. Stars, that hurt like hell", the Oracle squinted.

"You're Tabetha?", Rory said, "You're our other daughter? Why didn't you say?"

"I thought the red hair, blue eyes and Scottish accent were a dead giveaway. Look, can we at least get into the time vortex before we keep talking about this?"

She led the way into what looked like a silver lift. The doors slipped open, recognising her as the rightful pilot. She put the cot down and went down the stairs to work underneath the console of the powered-down, broken Tardis. Vastra and Jenny, propping up Strax entered next, then Astrid, then Amy and Rory and finally River.

"How are you going to get this working? She's obviously broken", Astrid told her.

"I know. I broke her, just needs a bit of", she breathed golden energy into the open panel under the console, "Help."

"I don't understand. Where did you get a Tardis?", Rory asked, "I thought that was a Time Lord thing."

"It is", she just agreed.

"But we're humans", he pointed at Amy, River, the Oracle and himself.

"Yeah, you are", she nodded, starting to power up the controls.

"You're our daughter. Of course you're human", Amy stated.

"Look, I'm only coming to terms with it as well. I haven't even figured out who I am yet. I regenerated less than an hour ago."

"Regenerated?", her parents said together.

"Really, your fault we're not humans. You made us inside the time vortex. The exposure to the energy of it influenced our DNA and the Silence did a couple more fixes here and there and boom, Melody and I aren't really humans", she said, fully focused on steering the Tardis, "Then again, I suppose we're not fully Time Lords either."

"You're not?", Astrid asked.

"I don't know. Guess, I'll have to figure that out when I've brought you all home. And found the Doctor. That git really just left", the Oracle furrowed her brows with a little anger, "Ooo, that's very Scottish."

"But he left to find you both", Rory pointed out, "I mean, he said that's what he'd do."

"He did, huh?", she just mumbled and pulled a lever, "Madam Vastra, Jenny, this is you. Thank you. Always a pleasure to see you."

They smiled and picked up Strax, "You too. Good luck."

They left and she set them back in motion. Rory and Amy still stared at their daughters, "That is what he's doing, right?"

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