Chapter 7 - The Time Lords' Wife

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The Time Lords' Wife, part 1 -

Rory and the Oracle were lounging in the jump seats as the Doctor walked around the console telling them a story, "And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head."

"Do you believe any of this stuff?", Rory asked the women.

"I was there", Amy said.

"I re-attached the head", the Oracle added.

Suddenly the lights started blinking and there was a beeping, "Oh, it's the warning lights! I'm getting rid of those. They never stop!"

As Amy and Rory detached themselves to talk the Time Lords started arguing, "You are not getting rid of the warning lights. You did that once and for decades we didn't know what was happening. They were so hard to get back!"

"Well, you shouldn't have brought them back in the first place", the Doctor gave back.

The Oracle was about to reply when there was a knocking on the doors so instead she said, "Someone just knocked."

"Right", Rory came back, Amy behind him, "We are in deep space."

"Very, very deep", the Doctor agreed.

"And somebody's knocking", the Oracle walked towards the door, the Doctor right behind her.

They grinned at each other excitedly and each took a handle to open the door. A white, glowing cube floated in front of them and the Doctor reached out to it, "Oh, come here. Come here, you scrumptious little beauty!"

The cube flew inside, past the Time Lords into the Tardis. It made a round through the console room, then hit the Doctor in his chest, making him fall backwards and then landing in his lap. The Oracle picked it up.

"A box?", Rory asked.

"Oracle, what is it?", Amy asked.

She grinned, "We've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up our thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space."

The Doctor turned to her excitedly, "There's a living Time Lord still out there", he looked at the box, "And it's one of the good ones."

"You said there weren't any other Time Lords left", Rory argued.

"Not in the universe", the Oracle said.

"But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake", he threw Rory the box, The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo."

"Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl", the Oracle grinned and they set the Tardis in motion, making them jolt and sparks fly.

"Oh, what's happening?", Rory asked as they held on tightly.

"We're leaving the universe", the Doctor told him.

"How can you leave the universe?", Amy asked.

"With enormous difficulty", the Oracle said, "We're burning up rooms to give us some welly."

"Goodbye, swimming pool", the Doctor started.

"Oh, now, don't start with the swimming pool!"

"Goodbye, scullery", he disregarded her and kept going, "Sayonara, squash court seven."

Sparks and smoke flew and then suddenly they banged to a stop and everything turned off. They slowly got up and calmed.

"Okay", Amy spoke up first, "Okay, where are we?"

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