Chapter 16 - Let's Kill Hitler

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Let's kill Hitler, part 1 -

In the middle of a crop circle stood the Tardis as Amy and Rory drove up to it in their car. The Doctor stepped out, holding up the Leadworth Chronicle Newspaper. The headline read "Leadworth's Crop Circle" and below it was a picture of the word "Doctor" cut into the cornfield, as Amy and Rory had just created it.

"Seriously?", he asked in disbelief.

"Well, you wouldn't answer your phone", Rory told him.

"Okay, you've had all summer. Tabetha said you wouldn't find them. Have you? Have you found Melody and Tabetha?", Amy got right to the point.

"Permission?", the Doctor asked Rory.

He nodded, "Granted."

He gave the newspaper to Rory and hugged Amy, "You know who they grow up to be, so you know I will find them."

"But you haven't yet", she concluded.

"She denies everything", before Amy could question his statement Rory held the newspaper up again.

"Hang on. What's this bit?" They all looked back onto the paper to see the word Doctor struck through.

"That wasn't us", Amy said.

They looked up to see a red car driving towards them. They yelled and jumped out of the way before it could hit them. It came to a halt right in front of the Tardis. A woman in a blush-coloured blouse-dress with black spots all over and a leather vest stepped out of the car.

"You said he was funny. You never said he was hot", she looked down at the Doctor, laying right in front of her.

"Mels", Rory exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?", Amy asked in the same tone.

"Following you. What do you think?", she shrugged.

"Er, where did you get the car?", Rory asked.

"It's mine", when police sirens could be heard in the distance she admitted, "Ish."

"Oh, Mels, not again", Amy sighed.

"You can't keep doing this", Rory groaned, "You're going to end up in prison."

"Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost. You never said I was hot?", the Doctor chimed in.

"Is that the phone box?", Mels turned to the Tardis, "The bigger on the inside phone box? Oh, time travel. That's just brilliant. Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. I'm their best mate."

"Then why don't I know you? I danced with everyone at the wedding", he leaned against his box, "The women were all brilliant. The men were a bit shy."

"I don't do weddings", she looked around as the sirens got louder, "And that's me out of time", she aimed a gun at him.

"Mels", Amy called out as all three of them raised their hands.

"For god's sake", Rory groaned.

"What are you doing?", Amy asked, in a mix of frustration and panic.

"I need to get out of here", she told the Doctor.

"Anywhere in particular?", he asked timidly.

"Well, let's see. You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell. Let's kill Hitler."

The Oracle stumbled out of the swimming pool in a dark grey dressing gown and with wet hair when the alarm had gone off, "What happened?", she started coughing upon entering the smoke-filled console room.

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