Chapter 19 - Night Terrors

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Night Terrors, part 1 -

Amy and the Oracle entered the console room after their little chat in the library to find Rory leaning against the railing and watching the Doctor run around the console.

"Please save me from the monsters", the Doctor read off of his psychic paper, "Haven't done this in a while."

"Haven't done what? What are you doing?", Amy asked.

"Making a house call", he smiled and pulled a lever to take them to the person who'd sent him the message.

They landed in the courtyard of some flat complex and Rory stepped out first, right into a puddle, "No offence, Doctor-"

"Meaning the opposite", he figured.

"But we could get a bus somewhere like this", Rory finished.

"The exact opposite."

"We were inside the time vortex. How were we going to get a bus there?", the Oracle furrowed her brows at her father.

"Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory", Amy came up next to him.

"Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. That's what we do. But not today. No", the Doctor led the way to the building, "Today, we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe. A child's bedroom."

"Astrid slept in the library when she was scared in her room", the Oracle said.

"You slept in my room when you were scared", the Doctor booped her nose.

"Cause you were there", she smiled.

"So it was just an excuse to cuddle with me", his expression showed offence that she'd never admitted it before.

"I don't need an excuse for that, not when we were ten and even less now", she booped his nose and led the way to the lift.

"Please save me from the monsters?", Rory read off the psychic paper, "Who sent that?"

"That's what we're here to find out", the Doctor took back the paper.

"Sounds like something a kid would say", Amy furrowed her brows.

"A scared kid, yes. So very scared that its cry for help made it to the Tardis", the Oracle said.

"Yeah, but you've traced it here", Amy was still confused.

"Exactly", the lift arrived and the Doctor got in, "Going up."

They split up to find the flat the scared child lived in. The Oracle and the Doctor never too far apart and Amy and Rory never too far apart. After a couple strange doors the Oracle leaned over the landing with exhaustion over the people she'd talked to when the Doctor approached, "No scared kids."

"Just a bunch of scary grown-ups. I'd be scared if I shared a building with the guy in that flat", she pointed towards a door, making him smile.

When he looked back across the landing he spotted something and pulled her over to show her. She smiled and pulled him along. On their way they met Amy and Rory by the lifts.

"Hey, any luck?", Amy asked.

"Two elderlies with medical issues, an annoyed shop assistant in a nightie and some guy who I think is the monster the kid's scared of", the Oracle replied.

"Three old ladies, a traffic warden from Croatia and a man with ten cats", the Doctor gave his own report.

"What are we actually looking for?", Rory asked.

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