Chapter 17 - Let's Kill Hitler

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Let's kill Hitler, part 2 -

In the meantime, Amy, Rory and the Doctor arrived outside Hotel Adlon. Rory was driving a motorcycle with Amy behind him and the Doctor in a sidecar. The Doctor got out as Rory spoke up, "Okay, all of Berlin. How do we find her?"

"I don't know. Look for clues", Amy shrugged as the Doctor scanned about with his sonic.

"Clues?", Rory imitated her Scottish accent, "What kind of clues?"

"Shut up", she hit him in the chest.

Then suddenly there were screams and people came running out of the hotel in their underwear.

"What were you saying about clues?", the Doctor turned to his companions.

"Okay", Rory just stared.

Before they could dash off to investigate their attention was caught by another motor grumbling to a halt beside them. They turned to see it was a replica of Amy on a motorcycle, moving robotically and staring right at them.


Inside the Hotel River was trying on the clothes she'd just stolen, "Now look at that. That's fun from every angle", she gazed upon herself in a mirror and thus saw Amy approach from behind, "Now, dear, I told you not to follow me."


Amy and Rory got up inside the replica and looked around in confusion. The Doctor was passed-out on the floor next to them.

"Okay. Okay, I am trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife", Rory whispered to himself, "I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor."

"How can we be in here?", Amy muttered.

"Er", Rory pondered.

"How do we fit?", she continued.

"Miniaturisation ray", he stated like it was obvious.

"How would you know that?"

"Well, there was a ray, and we were miniaturised."

"All right", she agreed.

Suddenly, a metallic-grey half-globe shaped robot-creature with tentacles came up out of the floor, "Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented."

"Er, what's that?", Amy stumbled backwards.

"Er, I don't know. It's in your head."

"Please remain calm while your life is terminated", the robot advanced.

"We come in peace", Amy panicked.

"When has that ever worked?", Rory rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shut up, help me", she crouched down to pick up the Doctor's upper body. Rory took his lower body and they moved away but two more of the creatures advanced on them until they were trapped.

"Please cooperate in your officially sanctioned termination. It is normal to experience fear during your incineration."

Amy got the sonic screwdriver out of the Doctor's pocket and pointed it at them, "Stop or I sonic."

"What are you doing?", Rory asked.

"Er, I don't know", she admitted.

"Okay. Psychic interface. Just point and think."

"I know, but what do I think?"

"I don't know!"

Before anymore panic could settle in the door behind them opened and a man with slick black hair, in some black uniform with a headset on put something on their wrists and the Doctor's, "It's okay. Stay still and don't move", he held up the humans' wrists with the green light on them, "Privileges activated. See? Activated."

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