Prologue (Birthday )

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I stepped into a room .
The room is decorated with golden lights and chandelier with red & black decor.
It is screaming sex.
Then I noticed there are 8 other people in the room and all of them are men.
Very deliciously good looking men.
One of them make an eye contact with me while a lazy self insured smirk sits on his lips.
He seems very cocky and confident.
He step forward to me while holding my eye contact carrying a card in his hand.
' Happy birthday princess , we will give you the birthday gift of your life'
He said to me in a husky voice and looking way to self obsessed.

I raised a eye brow and pluck the card out of his hand without saying anything, cause honestly right now I'm not even sure I'm in the right place.

Then I notice the card has a handwritten note most probably from my best friend slash girl friend .
It says ' Break a Vagina riding all eight of 'em
P.s : Don't suck anyone, let them do all the sucking .Cause you are yummy' .
Classy Avery style note.
I let out a little chuckle.Man did she get out and done the craziest thing ever.

Fine if she wants me to ride all eight ,I will do it and do it happily.
Avery and I have been together for 3 years. She is gay and she thinks I'm bi . She thinks a little dick action every now and then is needed to keep me happy.
And to keep me satisfy she always invites guys to our bed and she loves to watch them fuck me dirty. That's how she gets off seeing me happy. But she always make sure they know the deal. One night and all it is, no more contact after that. She is crazy jealous and possessive. That fact she only lets guys in our bedroom proves how much jealous she is . If a girl dares flirts with me no matter how much innocent the flirting is, she will rip her a new. God !that girl loves me crazily.
As twisted as it sounds it really works for me.
I'm a very sexual person and I most certainly need some dick action but what Avery offers me is not enough.
She might have a great pussy but it is most certainly not enough for me. And all the threesome's that she gives me, doesn't even come close to be satisfying.
So naturally I sleep around a lot about which of course she has no idea about otherwise there would have been be a sea of corpse of my lovers.
In past I may have slept with literally everything with a dick but right now my vagina has acquired a taste for certain 9 inch dick.
Now I only sleep with one male who has a ridiculously great dick that has make my vagina his slave and also to fuck up the matter even more that dick happens to be attached to a certain someone who shares DNA with Avery.
I know I know ,you are thinking what a slut.
We'll mybe I'm a slut . Honestly do I give a fuck about your or others opinions? Hell fucking no.

I came from the wrong side of track and Avery is the princess who got everything she ever wanted in her life. The first time I saw on the campus looking like a malibu barbie with her blond hair and big boobs , driving in her mercedes, I knew right away she is going to be my ticket to luxury.
I befriend with her first ,you know trying to be the best friend she never had. I slowly figure out she is a closet lesbian on top of that who was still a virgin.
And guess what ladies and gentlemen I quickly change my game to from being a supposed bff to be her perfect soulmate.
I notched my romance game a level or two higher to get what I want.
I seduced her in subtle but in maddening ways and she being she, with no action going on her life was falling hard for my games very quickly.
Then on one Christmas Eve I fucked her brains out . After that she became obsessed always trying to be close to me, kissing me trying to get me naked.
Then I played the next stage of my game , called the withdrawal game. Ever heard of that?
No? Well me tell you about it then.
I avoided her but make sure it looks like I'm busy with everything and anything. I make sure she noticed me with other girls, them touching and flirting with me.
That drove her up to the wall . Finally she ended all of this charade by punching a girl on nose for trying to kiss me then she took matters even more further by kissing me crazy right before the entire school.
And that she seal the deal of not only her but my luck to.
She was my ride to the upper side.
My Midas touch.
My blank check.

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