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Right..his fatherly responsibilities.
Responsibilities my foot.

' Um..ok .Then why I'm here not at home with Avery?' I cocked my brows at him.

He narrows his eye at me.
' Avery just needed to know you are fine. She doesn't need you back with her. '

' But I do need you to be here because I believe you have some explanation to do'
He told me like a parent chastising their spoiled kid.

I think I vomited a little in my mind thinking him as parents.
' I do?' I asked in a small voice. Of course I do. He caught me in a sexclub most probably with eight others guys. Shit!

' Yes you do. What were you doing in a sex club? And what's with the orgy?'

'Having fun I guess'
' Having fun..Huh?? So does you having fun need to be done by fucking eight other guys? I think before I even put my dick in you next time I need to confirm you are not crawling with STD' he spits the last part hissing like a angry cat .

His comment angered me. How dare he? As if he is some sort of virgin nun him self.
Bloody hypocritic bustard.
' Well if that's the case I think you should definitely stop having sex with me. That will be a lot more safer for both of considering the endeavours we both have regular. Anyway our relationship is very unethical'
I said with a extra saccharine sweet smile.
He seemed shocked for a moment then he recovered quite quickly.
'Now that you mention it , I think that's best . My new lover isn't quite comfortable with sharing me with anyone you see. We should probably end it. '
New lover?? Who the fuck is that?
I'm boiling from inside with rage .
He is acting like he fucking doesn't care about me . You know what fine he can suck my dick. Nobody leaves me.

' New lover huh? Good for you then'. I said picking up my bag from the floor.
He looked a little shocked at my reply. What did he think ? I'm gonna beg? No fucking way. That's not my style.

' See you on Sunday at family dinner then. Good bye'
I offered moving towards the doors to leave.
But I couldn't have taken more than 3 steps before I was manhandled and thrown in the bed on my back with Kristen straddling my hips. He is holding my hands above my head. And looking down at me angrily.

' Don't fucking walk away from me. You don't get to leave me. You are fucking mine'

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