Home (🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️)

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'Honey I'm home'
I sing out loudly.
I start taking my heels off when I hear thumping sound of Avery running down the stairs as if the house was on fire.
Within seconds she comes barreling towards me and flung her body on me clutching me tightly.
Oh God she must be really worried. Now I feel like a dick.
' Hi baby, missed me too much?' I said slowly running my hand through her hair.
' You know I did. Don't do this again. Answer your fucking phone next time'. She finishes the last sentence on a snarl but still hugging to me like koala bear.

Hot and cold at the same time. She is really her father's daughter.
' Well then maybe next time you shouldn't give me too many play things to be distracted enough for answering your call'
' Yeah,maybe next time you're not gonna get anything to play at all'
' Fine with me I can play with you instead' I know that reply pleases her cause she tightens her grip around me.
I start moving towards the house hoping she will release me now. I'm really tired to carry her even though she is light as feather. But seems like she is too much comfortable with her position.
' Babe I need to take a shower. I probably smell'. I scrunch my nose at that thought.
' Mmm..you smell yummy and I'm comfy'.she says nuzzling my neck.
' I'm comfy' Ironic considering couple of hours ago Kristen said the same thing.
' You will more comfy with a clean me.' I try to reason.
After a lot groaning and huffing she finally lets me go.
After pecking her lip twice quickly I rush to the shower.
After getting rid of all the grim and dirt of yesterday I get out of the shower and get into the bed. The clean sheets were calling me.I didn't even bother getting dress. I immediately dose of.

Later that Day

I wake up from small movement on the bed. No doubt Avery getting in the bed with me. She slips under the cover and shifts towards me. Putting her head on my chest ,she flung on of her legs on top of mine, nuzzling into chest.
Such a little needy cuddle slut .

I put my hands around her slowing start running down on her body. I grab her ass and give it a good squeeze. She moans loudly. Right!! she is horny that's why she's here.
I start moving my hands seductively on her body focusing on places that arouses her. Like her ass . Her neck.
Soon she start wiggling on top of me. Definitely trying to get more contact. She leans forward to kiss my nipple .Then start sucking one slowly but firmly. Now I'm getting aroused. Nipple play is my Achilies heel and it never fails to get me horny. Avery knows it and it takes enough advantage of that.
I moan loudly at particular strong suction. That encourages her more. She lifts her body so now she is straddling me. I hold her hips. She leans forward to kiss my neck, my ear seducing me crazily. Definitely trying to take control. I can't let that happen, with Kristen I submit myself easily but with Avery I crave the power ,I need it . I need her at my mercy .
I flip her over with a quick move so I'm the one straddling her . For a moment she looks disappointed then her usual sex crazed hazy eyes comes back practically begging me to fuck her.
I grab both of her breasts at a same time and squeeze hard . She starts thrashing and wiggling more.
I slowly let my hand drift towards her cunt. Slowly touching her pubic hair, parting her lips slowly, circling her clit . When her breathing started to get heavier, I stop completely. She lets out a frustrated groan. I smirk at her and lean forward to kiss her on lip, she try to prolong it but I didn't allow it.
Then I touch her slit she is soaking like I thought she would be. She is ready.
I get up from her, I take hold of her right leg and put it on top of my left one. And then take her left one and put it under my right one so we practically scissoring each other. I lean forward and start rubbing our cunts slowly. After couple of minutes I increase my pace faster enough that the headboard start hitting the wall.
Our arousals are mixing together, our slick cunts are sliding on top of each other without any resistance. Our clit are rubbing. I know we both are getting close by the desperate sounds we are making. I increase my tempo even more.
In no time we both came with loud screams and moans. I collapse on top of her.
Fuck that was great.
After a while our breathings start getting normal, Avery is now doing her post sex nuzzling. I love that too.

I love my life.

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