Birthday Bang

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At my order all of them look startled and that please me.
After a bit getting out of their initial shock they started to get rid of their cloths and it was a quick work because of how little they were wearing.
I take a good look on all of them and finally settle my eyes on one with blue eyes that remind me of Avery.
I beckon him to come forward.
He come to me with a lazy stride desperately trying to look cool . But his massive erection was giving away his act.

'Put your hands on the table and bend '
At my command he looked shocked once again but this time he obeyed quickly.
I look up again to choose with whom I'm gonna play next.
A red hair dude caught my eyes, he was impressive looking with broad shoulder and prominent v.
But his physic is not what got my attention . It was absolute hunger in his eyes that struck me. He was looking at the one bend on the table like he wanted to devour him.
Interesting .
I gesture him to come forward with a flick of my hand. And he was almost to eager to do so as if he knew what I wanted him to do.
' Fuck him . Fuck him hard. I want to hear him screaming '.
I told him in a husky voice.
He didn't even break his eye contact with the other guys ass as he took a grip on the other guy's hip.
That should be fun .

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