Love and Lovers(🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️)

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You are mine.
As if... I scoffed
' Get off me , Kristen.I need to go home'.
I told him with the most don't fuck with me tone I can muster.
' No . We need to talk. Perhaps fuck too. It seems like you need a lot reminder of your current status . '
I glare at him. Hopefully my expression showing him all the hatred I'm feeling toward him.
' You can't walk out of this arrangement. Because if you do a lot of things will happen that will definitely not be of your likings'

Arrangement not relationship. Right how could I forget?
' Then perhaps you should have think about that before acting like a utter asshole. I don't owe you anything. You want to threat me . Fine do it. But Kristen you are not so innocent yourself. So will you please get the fuck off me?'
I hope my voice convey all the bitter venom I intended for him to understand.

He kept looking at me for a while. Searching my face for something. Finally after what feels like an eternity he let out sigh and loosen his grip on my hand.
' I'm sorry I don't want to fight with you'. He said nuzzling the side of my face.
' It just I hate seeing you there . I got crazy mad. I don't like the idea of you screwing another men'

No you just love me screwing your daughter.
'You have to cut me some slack babe. I saw with another eight guy. In a fucking sex club'. With each sentence his voice was becoming more and more fierce.
' What would you have done if you ever caught me in a orgy?'

'Trust me you don't want to find out what I would have done'
He chuckles at my reply. As if it's the most amusing thought he has ever heard. That cheeky bustard.
' Then you know what I was feeling. So sorry for saying those things about STD'. He dropped a few kisses on my eyes and check then release my hand to get off me.
He lays next to me facing upwards.
' I'm sorry too. But the orgy was Avery idea of birthday gift. Your daughter definitely doesn't share your reservation about male population'
He snorts at my comment.
As much as I love to see him all riled up but I need to remind him where we stand. He is right we are not in a relationship so to keep our arrangement going on we need to deal with certain things. We can't let emotions be a part of it. It's only about sex and it doesn't allow any of us to be possessive about the others.
' But Kristen honestly I don't think your behaviour justifies. We are not in a relationship like you said. I know you sleep with other people and so do I. I don't think the number should be a problem because at the end of the day we both know it's only about pleasure and nothing else.'
He remains silent for a while like he is absorbing what I said.
He let out a breath.' You are right. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry'
' Its okay'. I said with a small voice and get up to kiss me on his lips.
He groans in my mouth . His hands shifts to my hip to pull me on top of him. I straddle his hips. We are devouring each other. It's isn't a sweet kiss its more like we are claiming our ownership on each other. Lips, tongue ,teeth all in one brutal kiss.
His hands start to move on my body. He grabs my tits and give them a hard squeeze. I let out a loud moan. He starts to twist my nipples eliciting more shameless sounds from me. I need him inside me desperately. I break the kiss.
Get rid of my clothes or more like cloth. As my dress is removed, he lifted his head up to suck my tits .
Fuck that feels great.
I get a hold of his already hard dick give him a good squeeze. What a great dick that it is!
He hissed at that .
I start to put him into my opening then lowering myself on him with circular motions. At that both of us groan loudly.
He holds my hips once again surely trying to dictate my movements.
I start riding him hard and fast making desperate sounds the entire time.
He is touching my clit, sucking and biting my tits. Literally driving me crazy.
I was on the verge of exploding and he must feel that because he increases his tempo on my clit.
I come with a cry and slow down a bit . He wasn't having any of that.
He shifted us until I'm on my back. He takes hold of my legs and put it on his shoulder and start fucking me like he hates me.
Fuck ....fuck..fuck.
I just came but I am getting ready to explode once again.
We both came at the same time ,he lets out a loud groan that vibrates through the whole room. I love it when he is loud .
After truly and literally screwing my brains out he collapses on top of me. Both of us sweaty but we don't care.
I wrap my arms around him, nuzzle the side of his face, kiss his ear. I love this short but satisfying post sex moments with him.
He lift his head to look at me . He gives me a small smile and leans in to kiss me.
This one is one of our sweet kisses where we cherish each other.
Suddenly a loud sound of my ringtone breaks our kiss.
I get up to get the phone.
And see Avery is calling. Damn it .
' Hey babe, good morning.'
' Where were you? I was so worried about you. You weren't even picking your phone'
I realize this is going towards one of the famous Avery style melt down.
I need to stop it before that .
' I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I was really tired ,I fell asleep. I'm coming home in 20 minutes. Don't worry.'
' Okay.. I love you' she replied in a small voice as if she is scared everything changed in one night. I love that Avery loves me enough to feel vulnerable without me.
' I love you more. See you at home'
After finishing the call I started to tidy up without looking at Kristen. He knows the deal ,he heard our conversation. So no need to explain anything .
' I will see you on Sunday then.'
' Yeah. Oh..I forgot to tell Samantha will be joing us on dinner sunday.'
' Who?'
' My new secretary. She is quite young and doesn't have anyone in the city so I thought maybe I should invite her to family dinner ,I'm sure she will appreciate it. I thought I should inform you since you guys are hosting dinner this week . Hope it's alright.'
' Right..yeah . No problem. I will let Avery know . Bye'
The entire time back to home I was thinking.Is it her? she's the new one? His new lover.

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