Sunday Dinner

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Hands are cradling my head as our mouth fuses together.
Our tongues are mingling, dancing with each other. My fingers are holding the countertop behind me tightly to hold our body weight.
Holding my hair in a fist , tightening it to a point where it hurts biting my lips , borrowing more closer to me, almost pressing me hardly enough to feel the sharp sting from hitting countertop, taking all my breaths away ....
Ting tong

The front door bell rings and bring us back to reality. Avery was almost too dominate in that kiss. Both of us are breathing heavily. Undoubtedly my hair is a mess from her hand. Giving me another peck she steps away from me to open the door as if nothing happened.

What the fuck!
I run to the master bedroom to tidy up a bit. My head is still fussy from that kiss.
When did Avery start to kiss like that? That didn't seem like first time to me.

Some ugly thoughts start to churn in my head. She is being acting weird since the morning after my birthday. I shake my head to get rid of the disturbing thoughts for now and look at the mirror. Practicing my happy smile few times , I get out to face the family circus.

When I reach the living room I saw Kristen kissing Avery's head and talking to her with a smile. Avery is all animated with him talking with her hands and expression. She is Kristen's world. I always love to watch their interaction it reminds of what I never had...A father.

' Hey, Mamma'
Henry shouts and come towards me running with the enthusiasm of Jason Mamua. The picks me up and start moving us in a circle. God ! He is definitely a force to be recognised. He is Avery's little brother ,very gay little brother who is the only person who loves me in this family besides Avery .
' Henry put her down and for the thousandth time stop calling her that' Nina's bitchy voice stops my smile.
Henry put me down and give me one of his dazzling smile and a loud smack on my cheek.
I cannot help but gigle at his tactics.
' yeah Hen stop calling her mama. people will get wrong idea' Avery says coming towards me and wrapping her hand around my waist as if she needs to demonstrate her rights on me.
Henry stick his tongue at Avery ,she mimic his move. God they are adorably childish.
' God lord' Nina says with a loud sigh.
' Hello , Shawna'
My eyes snap towards the voice.. Kristen. He is looking at me with a reserve smile.
So formal.
'Hello, Kristen . How are you?'
' I'm fine, thanks for having us'
' You are always welcome Kristen after all it's Avery's house too.'
He gives me another smile.
Then I suddenly remember about his guest.
' I thought you are bringing a guest. You assistant. What's her name? I forgot.'
' Samantha'
' Right Samantha. Where is she? Is she not coming?'
' She will be a little late '.
I turn to Avery just in time to see all Color has left her face.
' Babe you okay?' I ask concerningly.
' Sweetheart you okay?' Kristen asked worryingly.
' I'm..I'm fine. I'm just suprise I didn't know you invite your secretary. I thought  it's just going to be us four' she says in a small voice.
' uh..I thought it would be okay to invite her just this once. I even asked Shawna about it' Kristen look at me saying this.
' You knew someone else was coming?' Avery asked me accusing .
What the fuck!
Why she is acting like a spoiled brat is beyond me.
' Yeah. Kristen informed me' I said with a raised brow daring her to say something.
Her nostrils flair.
' Don't you think you should have told her before inviting anyone in her home, Shawna?'
Nina asked with a sass reminding me how it's not my home not at least legally cause it's still under Avery's name.
' I didn't think I have to ask Shawna permission for inviting someone in her house'. I said looking at Nina.
Then shift my eyes to Avery,' I'm sorry I shouldn't have take the liberty to invite someone. I just thought you would be okay with that since it's your dad's secretary'
Instantly regret showed in Avery's eyes , she realised how her attitude gave Nina chance to insult me.
Fuck that. Fuck her mom too.
' Excuse me. I need to check if the dinner's ready
' I left the room without giving anyone any chance to say anything.

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