Beginning of Nothing part -02

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' What do you mean?' Avery shouted suddenly, popping herself on top of me.

I let out a deep breath and take hold of her waist with both of hands and calmly said - ' I need to go to the shop at least once this week. You know I can't effort such a long vacation love'
She let out a relief breath.
Huh! What was that about?
'What were just thinking Avery?'
I asked with a narrowed eyes .
' Well I ... I wasn't ....I don't know, okay. I just freaked out. I'm sorry ' she mumbled.
Taking a deep breath I pull her closer to me and hold her in my arm, after a while she breaks the silence -' You should go if it's important,I know how hard you worked for establishing your own boutique '
I kissed her temple -'Thank You baby'
' I think....I think I would like to stay her for two more days.Alone. If you don't mind.'
' Is there anything troubling you?'
' No I just love it here, that's it. I'm not ready to face the world .' She said the last bit with a laugh.
' Okay then,I will meet you at home two days later.'


Later that day I drove back to the city , while Avery decided to stay there.
When I reach home it was already midnight. I know I shouldn't have reached out to Kristen but I was missing him terribly.
I try to reach him on his phone but he wasn't picking up. After 10 missed calls and a bunch of unread messages I quit.
I fall in asleep.
But I just couldn't let go off the feeling of dread in my stomach, I just felt like I was losing both of my limbs at the same time.

Next morning I headed to the store, I was going through the inventory check when the front door chimes, alerting someone is  at the shops front door.
I went up front to look and I found Nina was outside.
I let her in.
' Nina, I wasn't expecting you today. How did you know I was back? Oh by the way Avery is still at the cabin' I said walking ahead without looking at her properly.

I was meet with silent, as I was turning to look at her, two slender arms came around me tightly. Hugging me.
Nina isn't a hugger .
So something must be really off.

'Nina.. what's the...' I started but she cut me off.
' He has decided to move in with her'
'What?' a barely spoken whisper came out of my lips.
' I found the paper work , he bought her a penthouse. As if it's not insulting enough that he is fucking her he has to make it official '
I was numb at this point - Kristen was planning a future with her. He was acknowledging their fucked up relationship. Never once he made any effort to make our relationship known.

'Why are you telling me this Nina?'
' Cause you are the only one who will understand my pain.Who will know what it feels like to be in the sun.' She said in the most unbothered possible tone.

She knew....she fucking knew I was fucking her husband and yet she choose to stay silent. Right now she is telling me this to torture me ...No ,Nina is telling me these because I'm the lesser evil in her situation. I didn't create any wave. She knew how to deal with me but Samantha,she is a real living breathing threat. And I'm just someone easily replaceable.A cheap toy they got tired playing with.


I drove back to the cabin in a daze,it was either coming here or staying at home mauling over the facts again and again.

I got out of the car and was walking towards the cabin when I heard Avery's laughter, she was laughing care freely. I haven't heard that sound in a while.
I moved closer to the sound and my earth stopped moving for a second .
Avery was in the lake splashing water and just laughing and groofing around with none other than Samantha.

How on earth is this cunt managing to do all of these? How long has she been planning?

Avery's laughter suddenly broke my chain of thoughts. As I really looked at her I realised she wasn't this happy in a while. She was miserable in our relationship,I was making her miserable. Her approach to owning her sexuality ,her abundant happiness - it's all was thanks to Samantha.
And there and then I had a realisation that I was ruining the life of the people I loved. And I need to get out of their life.
They don't need to suffer because of my miserable existence.

I'm going to leave and I'm going to do it Today.

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