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The darkness is dense. The humidity in the atmosphere is so high that our armor drips as we wait silently in the square.

Tonight's raid went great. We've successfully located a small group of rebels. The villagers knew about the Rebels and didn't mention anything. Our instructions were clear: Execute All The Inhabitants For High Treason against the Galactic Empire. No survivors.

We raided late at night when everyone was asleep. Those who resisted were executed in cold blood. The rest were arrested and taken to the square.

Our commander is moving forward, looking at the residents we've put in line.

«Citizens of the Empire. You're accused of treason and harboring agitators. Your treachery is punishable by death. Long live the Empire!!!» he then turns to us. «On my mark.»

The whole squad is taking off their blasters.



Our blasters are pouring rain on the traitors who pile up dead on the ground.

The eerie silence that follows after the execution falls heavily around us.

«All right. Back to the ship.» our commander says. «AD219!!!»

«Yes, sir!!!»

«Check the bodies. If there's anyone left alive, you know what to do!!!»

«Yes, sir!!!»

The squad is heading back to our transport while I check the bodies. I'm almost done when I notice that someone's breathing. Someone's still alive!!! As I get closer, the survivor knows I've figured him out.

As I get over him, I realize it's a girl. Her eyes look at me sternly. «Please please don't kill me.» she begs with a shaking voice.

«Traitor.» I respond full of loathing by pointing at her with my blaster.

She closes her eyes and brings her hand to her bloated belly. She's pregnant!!! She stays with her eyes closed waiting for her fate. She's a traitor... But her unborn child is not to blame for anything. I'm surprised to realize that my hand is shaking slightly and my breath is coming out of my chest. What's wrong with me?

The girl suddenly opens her eyes and looks at me. My eyes are buzzing. It's not right. I can't I can't. I can see on her face that she understands. She knows that I can't do it. I can't kill her. I raise my free hand and nod to her to be quiet as I turn my blaster on a corpse and shoot it. The girl holds her breath and as I turn to leave I hear her whispering "thank you."

As I return to the transport, I hear relaxed conversations between my associates.

«Thank God by blaster didn't get stuck this time.» TK695 says relieved.

As I walk in and take my seat everyone turns and looks at me.

«Heard a blaster, 219. Everythin' okay?» a Trooper asks.

«One survived.» I respond.

«And you took care of it?» TK695 asks.

«What do you think?» I say as convincingly as possible. «That I'd let any of these Rebel scums alive?»

Everyone in my squad laughs at my statement. But I'm the only one who knows the truth. I didn't execute the survivor. I let her go. Something happened. I don't feel good about executing people in cold blood. Being in a fight is completely different. I remain silent as the transport takes off and my colleagues count how many they've killed so far.

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now