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I had just about starting to believe that the dream would never come again. But there they are!!!

Once again. For another night.

Every time I close my eyes, I see the same dream.

First, there's a baby.

And then the images are succeeding one another. An act unraveling in front of my wide shut eyes.

Someone is firing a blaster.

An ex-Imperial smiles with an ominous smile.

A Mudhorn.

A bunch of Stormtroopers.

Somewhere on Jalysta desert smoke rises in the air from a crashed ship and a Mandalorian is lying dead on the sand.

I'm jumping from my sleep, trying to catch a breath. My face, covered in cold sweat and the house is dark and quiet.

The only thing that breaks the silence of the night is my rushed breath.

I'm laying back on the stone-cold wall of my bedroom and close my eyes as I'm slowly getting back my self-control.

Another night of waking up from this dream.

I have no idea what it means or why I see it.

I don't know how to interpret it and I have no clue if there is someone out there that can answer me.

The only thing I know is that I keep seeing this dream every night for the last months. And every night before I go to sleep I'm wishing for it to stop.

And this is another night that my wish was not been granted.

The sun slowly rises on the horizon as I'm getting up to my Landspeeder. I have to be quick and be gone from Jalysta desert before midday.

My Landspeeder is not that great. It's rusty, old and it's slower than a broken android. However, this is the only transportation I own. And that's why I don't want to push it over its limits.

A few minutes later my Landspeeder stops squeaking on Jalysta desert. My eye catches a blink from far and I'm breathing relieved as the wreckage untouched as agreed.

Until I managed to make a deal with the Jawas I had lost a bunch of ships but I got them to make a deal. I let them take the good parts and they let me take everything that can be melt.

Only now, that I'm approaching the untouched parts I can be sure that the Jawas are gonna keep they end of the bargain.

This must have been an Imperial ship. But now it's just a pile of wreckage. I've cut plenty of parts for today and I don't think that my platform can carry more.

I don't want to push my Landspeeder over its limits. The last time it broke I spent half of my units to get it fixed because I overloaded the platform with metal.

The Landspeeder crosses the desert dragging the platform filled with the metal I managed to collect today. I think next time I'll have enough.

Bamboons's market is located behind the Stonewall, east of my house and nearby the village.

The Stonewall, as we locals call it, it's a wall of stones that extend from mount Dhontor to mount Togharan and separates the village from the Jalysta desert.

There are three ways to cross the Stonewall:

Either by flying, by going around it and climb mount Dhontor or Togharan, or walk through the small path between the stones.

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