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I'm sitting quietly on my cell with my knees close to my chest.

I've spent most of the time in there with my head lowered. Unable to lookup. Because I knew if I did I would see him.

Once again, Moff Gideon proved once again of how diabolical he is. The cells we were put in were not random cells. He knew that revealing the truth would break our spirits so thats why he placed us on opposite cells.

A Stormtrooper guards us for hours without moving at all.

After spending hours with my head lowered I decided to change my seat and now I'm having my back turned against him.

«Keirah.» Mando says again. His tone is pleading.

I'm closing my eyes and shake my hand. I don't wanna listen.


«Don't!!!» Im saying curtly.

«You have to know.»

«I don't wanna know!!!»

«If we're going to die at least I want you to know the truth.»

«Don't you think its a little bit late for that?»

I want to turn around and look at him with the toughest look. Give him the sharpest look. But I'm not tough. My eyes are not dry and I know that I will burst into tears.

«I know it's too late.»

«Did you knew?» I'm asking sharply with my voice shaking. «Did you know it from the start? That you're my father?»

«No. I figure it out when I saw your parents right before we left.»

«Why did you lied about being a Rebel pilot?»

«I didn't. They must have assumed it. I didn't want to leave you. You'll understand when I explain it all.»

«I don't want you to explain to me anything!!!»

«I was a kid when the Mandalorians took me under their protection. I began my training right away. That's where I met her. You have her eyes, you know. I cannot believe I didn't figure it out sooner. We became friends right away. But as we were growing up we realized that our feelings were stronger. But no matter how much we loved each other her name was our biggest enemy. You see, she was a Viszla. One of the greatest houses of Mandalore and the last of her house. And the descendants of the great houses were not allowed to marry someone who was not a pureblood Mandalorian. But your mother and I loved each other so much. So we decided to run away. We ended up on Jalysta and decided to stay there. We lived there for a couple of years. We were leaving without our armor, without our helmets. Those were the best days of our lives. We were imagining our lives there forever. But our mentor found us. He had instructions to bring us back but he didn't. Alana was pregnant.

We were so excited. We were counting down the days for the due date. But fear paralyzed us. We knew that if the Mandalorians found out that Alana Viszla was pregnant they would come again. And your mother wanted to keep you as far from this as possible. She wanted you to live a normal life. But the labor was tough. In her last moments, she made me promise that I will keep you safe.

And I kept my promise. The only safe place for you was Jalysta. Or at least I thought it was. I never wanted to leave you behind. But I loved your mother so much and I couldnt break my last promise to her. When I found out that the Empire had invaded the planet I thought you died or that the Mandalorians took you in as a foundling. I dont even remember how many times I wanted to come back for you.»

«But you never did.» I'm saying and the tone of my voice is sharp like a knife. Even I can feel the words cutting me like a blade. But my anger is still there.

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