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I can still hear it. Even from here, stuck in this hole between the rock I can hear it loud and clear.

The sound of the battle that rages afar.

I can hear the sound of the blasters firing like rain. And the bombs as they bring everything into dust.

It was past midnight when the old man woke me up. His face was deformed by his fear and his voice was shaking as he was begging me to follow him.

He leads me away from the village. A big village in the greenery countryside. From afar I can hear the battle closing fast.

A flying vessel flies above our heads. We cannot see it in the dead of night but we can hear its creepy sound.

The old man pulled me close to the rocks, he then lifts me on his shoulders and places me inside a hideout in the recess of the rocks.

«No matter what you hear whatever happens. promise me that you won't leave this place. Okay?» the old man said in hasty.

I'm nodding positively, unable to say a word.

«You promise?» he insists.

«I promise.» I finally manage to say with my voice shaking from the fear.

«I'll go to bring Olivia. Stay here and be brave.»

Then the old man walks away as the sound of the battle approaches. My breath is running out as I'm hearing the battle flaring up. From my hiding spot on the rocks, I can peek into what's going on in the village: People fall dead, houses are flattened.

I want to get out of there and see what's going on, but I promised the old man I'd wait there. But the old man never came back.

I have no idea how many hours I've been hiding. But the sun rises on the horizon, and as I'm peeking out of my hiding place, I see that the battle is over.

The village looks empty and I don't see anyone standing up. Whoever attacked us is gone.

His work is done.

I reluctantly get out of my hiding place and get closer, ready to run in any direction if I see a stranger. But there's no one.

As I'm approaching the house, I pass the bodies of people. People I knew. There's Mr. Desmond, our neighbor. His son is my best friend... Or rather he was. And Mrs. Rowena, who had a little shop with parts for Landspeeders.

They're all dead.

My feet lead me to the house where I find two bodies stacked outside.

My body freezes as I realize who they are. The old man's body moves vaguely and I run towards him. I turn him around and look at his face. His face is grimacing by pain. «Go as far away from here kid. Nowhere is safe.»

«No.» I whisper as my eyes fill with tears.

«Look at me.» says the old man beggingly. «Look at me.»

His tears-filled eyes meet mine. He puts his hands on my face and caresses it. «Obi...» he whispers and thawed.

He called me so many times by that name even though that was not my name.

How many times did he tell me I reminded them of him? I'd lost count. But the old man's last words resonate in my mind like a creepy echo. «Obi...»

I jump from my sleep bathed in a cold sweat. My breath is irregular and my heart is about to break.

Keirah rushes into my room with a blaster in her hand. «Are you alright?» she asks.

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now