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«It's too cold.» I'm protesting as the ramp of the Razor Crest is lowering.

We're on the Crest for two weeks now, hunting the transport of the Stormtroopers.

Every time we were locating their signal only to arrive at the destination and the transport been already gone.

Mando tosses me a cape. «Take this. You haven't used to cold climate.»

«I guess I'll need some warm clothes. You think I can find anything here?» I'm asking while putting on the cape.

«Maybe. But be careful. Kijimi is not a friendly planet!!!»

I'm taking a look at the Child that's snuggling on a corner. Mando said this place was very dangerous to have the Child with us.

«We'll be back soon.» I'm saying to the Child before I get out.

I'm following Mando to the streets of Kijimi City, leaving the Razor Crest behind us.

I feel my toes already going numb from the white thick dust that covers everything. Mando said its called snow and that it falls only in places with low temperature.

The snow falls in big flakes all around us and some of the flakes are touching my face. I'm taking my hand outside of the cape and look at the flakes as they landing on palm. They're staying there frozen for a little and then melt into water.

Mando barks at me to keep walking and I'm getting out of my thoughts.

I'm following him through the alleys of the city and he leads us on a shop.

The salesman takes a good look at Mando and then gives me the side eye. «What can I do for you?» he says harshly.

«She needs clothes.» Mando answers in hurry.

«Desertian huh?» the salesman says mockingly.

«Not your business.» I'm answering roughly.

«Alright, alright.» he says after realizing that I'm not taking jokes.

I'm part of Mando's crew for only two weeks and I had already started to act like him. To be accurate, I was acting like him whenever it was necessary.

The salesman turns around and starts yelling urgently. «Zorii!!!»

When he's not getting any response his turning red from anger. «Zorii!!! Get here.»

A girl around my age shows up clearly pissed off. «What?» she yells at him.

«Find some clothes for our client. And quick!!!»

The girl looks at me from top to bottom and then nods at me to follow her.

Mando is talking with the salesman quietly. I'm trying to catch up their conversation but I can't cause Zorii starts talking.

«Desertian?» she asks.

«Yeah.» I'm answering roughly.

«What brings you here?»


«No need to snap at me.»

I'm frowning as I'm realizing how much I'm acting like Mando right now. The way of how he was acting towards people was annoying. I mean he's still giving one-word answers and speaks harshly but I understand that this is who he is.

«Sorry, I've been a crew member of his ship for only two weeks and I'm already acting like him. I'm Keirah.» I'm apologizing.

«It's the first time that I see a Mandalorian traveling with someone who's not like him.» Zorii says while searching through a pile of coats. «Are you looking for another crew member?»

THIS  IS  THE  WAY    (A Mandalorian / Star Wars Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now