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Tay smirked the moment he saw a figure standing beside his car at the parking lot. He knew he wouldn't dare to disappoint him.

"You're early"

He greeted, pressing his key to unlock the car. New didn't respond and instead looked around to check if anyone's looking. Once he confirmed that they were the only people in the parking lot, he went straight inside the car. Tay just shook his head then he followed New.

"What exactly do you want?"

New asked as soon as Tay settled on his seat.

"Can you just chill?"

"Look, I don't have time for this. Tell me what you want to keep your mouth shut, so we can call it quits"

"Feisty. I like that"

Tay teases while wearing his seat belt.

"Wear your seat belt"

"I'm not planning to leave the school with you, tell me what you want, so this will be over"

New said, spitting every word as clearly as possible.

"Will you be willing to do anything?"

Tay asked with his most seductive look. New even has to gulp to compose himself. If Tay's not being an asshole, New might consider sleeping with the man again despite the fact that he never did that with anyone before. Tay's undeniably gorgeous, sexy, and great in every way, including sex. That was proven by New himself. But, he should know better. Tay's a kind of person he really should stay away from. He's obviously manipulative and New doesn't like the kind of people like him the most.

"I can't sleep with you"

"You're not the one to decide on that"

"You don't own me"

"Not even I tell the whole university your dirty little secret?"

New froze. He expected to hear that from him, but it still surprises him. He feels very uncomfortable knowing that someone from the school knows about his secret. There's no way he will let the faculty know about that. He'll surely lose the scholarship he secured for a very long time. He has to graduate. That's the only escape he has to change his life ahead. He doesn't plan to be a prostitute all his life.

New closes his eyes as he breathes deeply, thinking of the things he can do just to address this problem. Lowering his pride and breaking some rules are the easiest ways he can think about as of now. His mind is too messy to think of other ways.

He sighed and reached for the seat belt, buckling it, trying his best to avoid Tay's eyes.

"J-just one more time"

He said, gritting his teeth. He heard Tay chuckled before he started driving. New cursed him repeatedly in his head.


Tay's flat isn't that far from the university. It's sitting inside a very popular and elegant building that New knew to be costly.

When they entered Tay's place, he couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful it was. He dreamed of living in such place like this, but he knew that it would be impossible with his current situation.

It's simple yet elegant. The design speaks a lot more about Tay's cold, cocky but gorgeous appearance.

He watches Tay throw his keys on the kitchen counter before standing in the center of his living room, hands on his waist like waiting for him to do something.

New then placed his bag on the counter where Tay's key seated before taking his way to Tay's spot. He stares at him for quite some time and sees how Tay starts to unbutton his polo. With a pounding heart, which confuses New since he's very used to such actions, he stands in front of Tay. He wraps his arms around the man's shoulder, resting his hand at the back of his neck. Tay just smirks at him, but didn't move. That's his cue to start.

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