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"Good morning!"

New greeted his staff as soon as he entered his mini bakery and cafe, his current most treasured possession.

After that incident, the night of his graduation day a year ago, New decided to leave the country to start a new beginning. With all the funds he earned from all his previous jobs, and with some help from Nam, he flew to France and studied baking. New always loved pastries. He studied management because he dreamed of managing his own cafe or bakery someday, and was too delighted when he started seeing how his dream was slowly getting into life.

"Good morning, New! Nam called earlier and said that he won't be able to come for today's batch of deliveries, but she'll ask someone to drop by"

Film, one of his staff, said.  New just nodded and smiled.

New's always been thankful for Nam. She did a lot of things for him. She was the one who helped him find a great but affordable baking school in France. She helped him settle in there for a few months, and once New told her that he was ready to go back to open his dream business, she was there to support him all the way.

Nam was the one who helped him find his reliable suppliers and she was his first client. New declined the offer at first, because he felt like he was already taking advantage of Nam, but she insisted. She said that some of their hotels needed someone who can supply some pastries for their cafes, and knowing how persistent Nam was, New doesn't have any choice but to agree. That was one of the best decisions he made because ever since that day, clients kept coming in to him. His business won't be this successful without the help of Nam.

He still supplies some pastries for Nam, and she always drops by to personally quality check her orders before getting them delivered to the hotel.

Nam became New's best friend along with Gun. He initially thought that after what happened to his relationship with Tay, he will also lose the two friends he has, since they are both connected with the man he chose to leave. Nam is Tay's sister while Gun's now married with Off, Tay's best friend, but he was wrong. They never left his side and have always been there since then.

"You're early"

In, New's baker greeted when he came out from the kitchen. He places his arms around New's shoulder like the usual, when he reaches his spot.

"I have to. Today's the schedule of deliveries for the V hotel"

In nodded as an acknowledgement to what New said.

"You know that I can just take care of that"

In said, squeezing New's shoulder. New just forced a smile at In, before removing the latter's arm around his shoulder.

"I know, but I don't trust you just enough yet"

New joked, which made the latter chuckle.

New met In in France, and like him, In was also  into pastries and studied culinary with baking as his major. He was the only friend New had in France, because just like Nam, he was persistent and never gave up on New. After the incident with Tay, New chose to be more private and aloof, he wanted to live by himself in the foreign country, because he felt that he deserved no one as he'll leave them soon anyway. But, In did his best to be closer to New and eventually, he gave up and just let him be part of his life. When he decided to go back to the country, In offered to be a helping hand and became his personal baker. New still bakes, but most of the time, he lets In do the job.

"By the way, I heard Nam can't come today"

In asked, as he leans his back on the counter where New's currently doing some paperwork.

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