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"We're done. You did great today as always"

The photographer, Lee, praises Tay, hands massaging his shoulder. He just smiled at him before leaving the studio. He knows very well that the man likes him and has been wanting to sleep with him since the very first time Off introduces him to Tay. He'd be glad to return the favor, only if he's not that loud in showing that he obviously wants more than just sex.

Tay hates commitment. He's been hating the word alone since the very time Joss, his ex, left him for an American model named Luke.

He always claimed to have moved on from his 4-year relationship with Joss, but he knows deep inside that he's still far from it. His former man's new lover was more popular than him and unlike the relationship he had with Joss, their current relationship is out and proud, telling the whole world that they are together, which made him feel worse.

When they were together, Joss always wanted to keep their relationship private, Tay wanted to show everyone his love for him, but the latter always says that it isn't the right time yet. They are just starting in the industry and don't want their relationship to ruin their career.

Tay's now a popular model, so is Joss. They were both beginners when they met, and fell in love along the way. Tay fell really hard to Joss, he even came to the point that he admitted that he loved the man more than himself. He gave everything to him, served him, pampered him and yet in the end, he left Tay.

Tay felt devastated. He even ditched countless projects because he's busy begging for Joss to stay, but the man told him that he doesn't love him anymore and there's nothing he can do about it. After two weeks, he found out through the news that Joss' now in a relationship with the new popular model in town, Luke. He felt betrayed and almost gave up his career, but Off, his best friend and manager, was there to support him.

Off did everything just to make sure that Tay won't cross paths with Joss and as much as he can, he lessened Tay's usage of any social media account. It almost worked, until one day, he met Joss and Luke, holding each other's hand at a fashion show together. That's when he realized that he is still not over his ex, and it will probably take him a long time to be able to do that. He once revolved his life around Joss anyway.

"Are you attending school tomorrow?"

Off asked, and he expected Tay to say no because Tay hates Mondays, but to his surprise, he answered yes.

"Are you sick?"

"I am not. Why?"

Tay asked, busy with his phone while walking to the parking lot.

"I can't even remember the last time you attended school on a Monday"

Off said, Tay just laughed.

"Are you dating someone from school?"

Off asked, looking at him suspiciously. Tay reached his car and walked straight to the driver's side.


He just told Off before getting inside.

"You have to tell me more of that next time"

Off said, peeking at Tay's car window. Tay nodded and pressed the button to close the window, but stopped midway.

"By the way, tell Gun I'm sorry"

He said to Off, the latter furrowed.


Tay shrugged.

"I might just use his name for some urgent matter"

"What urgent matter?"

Off asked, blocking Tay's window from closing. Tay just raised his brows and smiled.

"I'm telling you Tawan, if something happens to my fiancé, I'll kill you"

Off warned. Tay shook his head, laughing.

"Don't worry, Gun have trusted employees. Nothing will surely happen to him"

Tay said and winked. He pushed Off away and closed his car window before driving off, leaving his manager-best friend confused.


Tay smiled with the thought of New. He can't understand why, but he got fond of the man. Tay doesn't feel interested in any man after Joss. Well, he flirted with random people he worked with in the industry to divert his attention from the break-up, but he clearly created a thin line between them, so, he's not that sure what triggers him to make that decision with New.

There's something in him that he wants to know more about. Maybe it was because of his pretty face, sexy ass or the great sex, he doesn't care. He can't seem to understand it fully now, but he'll figure it out along the way.

In all honesty, he's aware of who New was even before he met him at the bar. Bright, his classmate and a friend, talked about the said guy a lot.

He said that the man was smart, a scholar and had an excellent face and body. At first, Tay wasn't interested in the man at all, his white skin reminds him of Luke so whenever Bright talks about him at school, he just pretends to listen but doesn't pay attention that much. Besides, it seems like Bright likes him, and he prefers not to interfere.

But the moment Tay saw him inside Gun's club and heard how the man sells his body for a living, it piqued his interest. He suddenly wants to get the man's attention and worse is, he wants him only to himself after they had sex in his car.

New's an expert, and a simple touch from him makes Tay want more. That's probably the main reason why he made the preposition.

He thought that he'll get the man by just threatening him that he'll be spreading his secret around the campus, but when he heard from New that he won't care if that happens, Tay knows he has to make more grave consequences. And Gun came to his mind.

The truth is, he wouldn't really plan to tell anyone about Gun's business. He wouldn't dare because Off will definitely kill him. He just made up the white lie to make sure that New doesn't have any choice but to agree. Well, he wished so.

He hasn't heard from the man since the time he left his house, but he's a bit confident that he'll eventually find him crawling back at him to say yes to his deal.


"Am I seriously seeing you in school on a Monday morning?"

Bright asked in disbelief. Tay just shook his head and gave Bright a high five.

"What made you decide to attend school today?"

"Am I not allowed to?"

Bright laughed. He still can't believe he saw Tay.

"It's just that we are not used to seeing you here. You always hate Monday"

"I'm a changed man"

Tay announced proudly, which made Bright laugh louder.

"Are you inspired or what?"

"You can say that"

"Are you kidding me?"

Tay just smirked.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

Bright asked but Tay ignored him, his eyes fixed on the two men who just entered the cafeteria, laughing together like they were in their own world, Earth and New, and somehow, Tay felt impatient and just wants to have the answers he's been dreading to hear right then and there.

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