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Tay's been out of the mood since the time New announced that he'll be having some plans for Saturday, the day of the awarding. Tay wants to be mad but he feels like he doesn't have the right to do that. He was the one who failed to inform the latter about the awarding beforehand anyway. If only he had the courage and told New about the event before they even had plans about the sleepover, New would definitely choose him over anyone else.

He even drank that one night just to boost his confidence and finally ask New, but the younger man went home late and he eventually fell asleep. When New opened up about the topic, he was too sleepy to talk about it and planned to just ask him during breakfast. But, he's too late.


New kept asking him why he was looking unwell, or looking so down, but he refused to tell him the reason. He doesn't want New to feel guilty about it. He was not at fault for what happened, maybe, Tay was.

But what made him extra down and somehow devastated was the fact that he woke up on a Saturday morning, with no signs of New inside the house. When Tay checked his phone, he found out that the younger man already left for his sleepover that day.

He accepted the idea of him not getting a date for the awarding night, but never the idea that he will not be able to enjoy his morning cuddle with New and didn't even get to have his good morning kiss that day.

When he called New earlier, the latter just told him that he didn't want to wake him up for him to get a longer sleep, since Tay needed to be well rested for the awarding. Tay couldn't do anything but cursed silently. Fuck sleep, and fuck the awarding. He thought.


"You're not at a funeral, stop frowning!"

Off told him when he arrived at the awarding place. Joss later on joined them and laughed after seeing Tay's face.

"What's wrong with you?"

He asked Tay, but the man just rolled his eyes. Off whispered "he's sulking because he doesn't have any date" to Joss, which made the latter laugh even more.

"I didn't bring a date as well, but I am not sulking like a child like that"

Joss said. Tay just chose to ignore them and entered the hall. The two shrugged and followed him afterwards.


The hall was packed with different personalities. Some are artists, models and some are the big names behind the lenses. But nothing really piques Tay's interest. He thinks that maybe, if New is there with him, everything will be so much better.

"You want some drinks?"

Off asked Joss and Tay. Joss nodded, but Tay chose not to respond. Off knew the answer to the question anyway. Tay can't drink.

"Hey, cheer up!"

Joss said to Tay once Off's gone, nudging him.

"You can have me as your date instead"

Joss offered with a teasing smile, but Tay's not really in the mood to buy that.

"Why didn't you bring New, if you badly wants him in here"

Joss asked. Tay huffed and slouched on his seat.

"He's busy"

Tay answered, pouting. Joss shook his head.

"He will surely make an adjustments if you only asked"

"I know! It's my fault, okay? I just want the program to be over, so I can go home. I'd rather sleep than be here"

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