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On the 4th day of their vacation, Tay decided for him and New to go back home. Nam wasn't pleased, but Tay offered to let her stay in his place once she decided to take a break from the town and visit the city. That didn't stop her from sulking the entire morning before Tay and New left the town though. New can't do anything but to feel sorry for Nam. After all, Tay's the only one who has the final say.

On their third day in town, the three of them just spent their time travelling to random places Tay and Nam have been to when they were young. New was happy just by watching the two. They bicker most of the time, but he knows that that's their best way of showing how they love each other so much. Nam's very protective of Tay, and Tay takes care of Nam as much as he takes care of New. He actually wanted to be jealous of what they have, but they made sure to never leave him out, so he's more than glad to have the two siblings around.

"What do you want to do as soon as we're home?"

Tay asked New. They are currently on their way to Tay's condo, and New is behind the wheels this time.

"Sleep? I have nothing on my mind than that"

New answered. They are just a few minutes away from Tay's place.

"Do you want to eat out for dinner?"

Tay said, eyes glued on his phone. New side glanced at him and just nodded. Tay was about to say another word, but stopped when his phone rang.


Tay greeted the other line. New knew it was Off, that was their endearment.


Tay asked louder than expected, even New was surprised that he almost stepped on the break. He glances at Tay and an expression of worry flashes all over his face.

"I'll be there in a few"

Tay said before ending the call.

"Something's wrong?"

New asked, but instead of answering, Tay sighed and asked him to stop the car at the side. New hesitated to follow but he still did, as it seemed to be urgent.

"You know the way to the house, right?"

"I do. Why?"

"Sorry, but I have to go somewhere. Take care, okay?"

"Wait— where are y—"

New was not able to finish his question because Tay already left the car, closing the door to New's face. He watches how Tay aggressively called the arriving cab in front and went inside of it as soon as it stopped in front of him. New was worried about Tay's expression. That might be the first time he saw him that anxious towards something.


Two days have passed, but the house still doesn't have any signs of Tay. New was left alone at home, bored and worried at the same time. It's been a day since he received a last message from Tay, telling him not to worry and just enjoy the rest of the vacation week, which is impossible for New to do without the latter.

He can't help but feel distressed everytime he remembers how Tay looked when he left his car that day. New has a lot of questions, some of them have been asked and sent, but he received no answers from Tay. And as much as he wants to ask further, he doesn't want to stress Tay more.

He found himself standing in front of Gun's club at 8pm on Saturday. He needs to do something aside from waiting in vain at home. Earth is still out of town, so Gun was the only option left.

"If you're here to beg for me to take you back at work after you chose Tawan over me, leave"

Gun said, refusing to look back at him. New was not surprised that Gun already knew about Tay. Off is still his fiance, and besides, he deserves to know that after all he did for New.

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