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I pace back and forth at Tay's living room at 11PM. Apparently, the asshole left me at school earlier and when I came home, he was nowhere to be found.

I am too determined to see him today to talk about what he did to Earth earlier. Good thing that nothing serious happened to him. The nurse just gave him an ointment for the redness in his chest, but apart from that, all is fine.

I tried texting and calling Tay, but his phone was off. I do not have his manager's nor Bright's number, so I honestly don't have any idea how and where to reach him. And as much as I am mad at him, I can't help but feel worried. Tay always informed me of his whereabouts, even if he shouldn't have to.

I picked up my phone to try and dial Tay's number again, when the door's lock started beeping. I almost breathed in relief after seeing him enter his place, looking still fine.

"Where have you been?"

I asked, but Tay acted as if he didn't hear me and instead went straight to our room.

I followed him and watched as he took off his shirt after placing his things on the table. He never spared me a glance and just continued acting as if I was never there.

He grabbed the towel on the couch and was about to enter the bathroom when I stopped him by pulling his arm.

"What is wrong with you?"

I asked, but the jerk just shrugged off my hand and continued walking to the bathroom. He left it open, so I followed inside.

"You shouldn't have done that to Earth earlier! The man didn't do you anything wrong!"

I yelled, but still didn't receive any response nor reaction from him. He removed his pants and left with nothing but his boxers on.


I called, turning his body to face me by once again grabbing his arm.

"Can you at least act like an adult and talk to me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Why are you even asking?"

I was taken aback when he finally spoke. He's looking at me differently, eyes full of rage.

"Aren't you no one but a man I am paying to sleep with me?"

He asked, and my heart shattered after hearing his words. Tears automatically start forming in my eyes, but I refused to cry.

When I didn't answer, he pulled his arm away from my hand and turned away from me.

"You're an asshole"

I muttered. Tay immediately turned and pushed me on the bathroom wall, pinning my hands above my head as he harshly slammed his lips to mine.

I've been with Tay for a long time, and this was the first time he acted this way. He always asked for my consent before doing anything to me, and his kisses have always been either needy or soft. Never this aggressive.


I said between the kisses as I tried my best to push him away.


I said, but he doesn't seem to hear me as he continuously forces his access to my lips, biting me. I even start tasting blood. His hands are holding me tightly, and it reminds me of the very first time I slept with my very first client.

I was ready to back out that first night because I am afraid. I never did it with anyone nor have any experience in the field. When I told the old man that I cannot do it, he forced himself to me, telling me that I cannot back out since he already released a large amount of money, so I have to make him feel good that night regardless how much I pleaded. He took me harshly, and I won't ever forget how humiliated I was that night. He called me disgusting names I was never called before and he used me again and again until he's tired, I couldn't even feel my body. I never felt so small, and that changed everything about my life.

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