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New didn't expect to meet Joss the next morning. After the two rounds of sex they had last night, Tay and New are both exhausted to even continue the talk they are having before the sudden turning of events. Next thing he knows, Tay's dragging him into some building, and Joss opening the door on the room Tay chose to knock on to.

Joss welcomed them with a smile as if he's expecting them to arrive. He served them food and made sure to talk to them, mostly with Tay, once in a while.

New was feeling awkward, but Tay's hand on his lap makes everything bearable. Joss even just eyed the said hand when he served them some tea earlier before his eyes met New's, but looked away as quick as he could. New somehow felt proud. He loves the idea of Tay being clingy towards him in front of his ex.

But New must admit that after meeting Joss in person, he seemed to understand why Tay fell hard to the man. He perfectly embodied a tall, dark and handsome man. His body is toned, and he looks like one of the Greek mythology's Gods. He also moves around his kitchen doing something to serve for Tay like he's very used to taking care of him. Joss' an opposite of New, when it comes to... well, for New, in everything, from physical appearance to the way he moves around, they are very different.

New's attention was diverted back to Tay when he felt a squeeze on his lap, when he looked at him, he gave New a reassuring smile, which the younger returned.

"So, this is New?"

Joss asked Tay, but his eyes were on New's, when he sat across the two. New saw from the side of his eyes how Tay nodded.

"Well, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you"

Joss said, New eyed Tay. Like what he felt when Nam said the exact words, he has no clue as to how Tay told Joss about him.

"I just hope what you heard are good"

New said, the voice has some hint of sarcasm. He didn't intentionally do that, it just came out naturally. Tay looks at him, and when he sees that New is looking back at him, he reaches for the younger's hand and intertwines it with his, as if understanding what's running into New's mind.

"He's my boyfriend"

New froze with Tay's sudden announcement, even Joss almost chokes on his tea. Tay surely felt how New's body tenses just by how New's hand automatically holds his tightly. He chuckled on the reaction that New gave to his words. He wasn't planning on telling Joss that, but he just wants to ease New's mind. He knows that the younger man is currently overthinking.

"You're obviously scaring him, Tay"

Joss remarked with a smile on his lips.

"But, I must say that he looks really the same as how you described him to be"

He added. New watches Joss. Isn't he even a bit jealous? He silently wonders.

"He's been talking about you non-stop"

Joss said to New, pointing at Tay. But when New remains silent, Joss clears his throat.

"Sorry if I caused the two of you some trouble. I honestly don't want to tell Tay what happened to me, but Off can't keep his mouth shut. Sorry that I bothered the two of you"

"He was jealous of you"

Tay said, New's hand automatically slaps the older man's arm and glares at him. Tay laughed.  Joss can't help but smile at the sight.

"You don't have to say that!"

"What? It's cute! You're cute!"

Tay said as he pinched New's cheek and leaned in to peck on New's lips, but the younger man was quick to push him away. New looks at Joss and sees him smiling at them.

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