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"Sir, where to?"

An airport cab driver asked Tay as soon as he entered the cab. He stared at the driver for a moment before finally being able to find the words to speak. He wanted to tell the driver a different address, hoping that if he could check the place himself, he can find the person he wants to see the most in there. But instead, the location that slipped through his mouth was his own address. The cab driver nodded before starting to drive.

Tay inhaled a deep breath, closing his eyes and opening it the moment he exhaled. He rested his head on the headrest and looked outside the window.

He's tired & exhausted.

The recollection of everything happened during the past hours flashed back inside his mind. And if you ask him to describe what he currently feels, he will probably don't have any response as his tiredness seems to numb his whole body. Every part of him.

"What do you mean he's gone?"

He yelled to the other line. He's feeling frustrated. As soon as he received a call from Nam, telling him that New was nowhere to be found, he immediately left the charity event without any word, leaving his parents and their business partners speechless. He immediately drove to the airport, begged to let him be on the earliest flight and rode the airplane back to his country. He didn't even have the chance to get his things back to his hotel, including the precious thing he bought for New, which he was planning to give him once on his return, an engagement ring.

He knew that he once said that he wanted to take things slow for now, but what can he do? He's so into the man. He loves him with all his heart and he no longer wants to let him go. He was so sure about it, but New seemed to have another plan.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I thought everything was okay. He asked me calmly last night to drop him to his place, so I stopped being worried, until it was In who delivered the pastries earlier during the event. I called him but his phone was unattended, and I asked someone to go to his place and check— he's.. he's no longer there"

Nam can hear Tay's heavy breathing from the other line as well as the continuous honking of the car.

"Tay, please be safe"

"What did you tell him?"

Tay was too afraid to ask that question earlier, but gladly found the courage to ask. He knew that New wouldn't be acting like this again if nothing happened. They were doing great. New even promised to his parents that he will never leave Tay, but you see, maybe promises are always meant to be broken.


"Just tell me Nam!"

Tay snapped, that made Nam jump in surprise. He's getting more frustrated. As much as he doesn't want to entertain the feeling, he knew that he was damn scared.

"I told him about the real reason why he let you go. I—"

Nam wasn't able to finish her words because Tay already chose to end the call. She tried calling his number again, but he refused to answer. He doesn't want to talk. Not now.

He wants to be mad about what his sister did, but he knew that she didn't really have any intention to harm his relationship with New. She has done nothing since then but to help them. Nam was not at fault, but just stated a fact that seemed to never go in favor of his fate with New.

Tay closed his eyes as he tried to reminisce all the memories that New and him shared in the past. Who would have thought that a man who one night, out of nowhere piqued his interest, will make him this madly in love. He can't imagine how he was able to survive the roller coaster ride. From the dangerous setup to fulfill their body needs, to annoying each other and being movie bodies, who can't get enough of each other. The relationship he had with New was definitely not a walk in the park, but he doesn't mind. He'll be more than willing to go all in, just to have the man beside him.

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