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My lower back aches when I sit up. Tay's no longer beside me, and I don't know why I even feel quite disappointed. Shouldn't I have expected this? After all, what we did was nothing but a business transaction.

I don't even know what got into me last night. It was the first time I did it with the same person twice. I know it's a known deal I should expect to happen anytime soon, but last night was different. I know in myself that I didn't do it for business at all. The pain, fear, and sadness that Tay's eyes showed triggered something in me and I just wanted to make that go away. I had the urge to make him feel good, so I did what I did. And now, I regret it.

I forced myself off the bed to clean up. It took me 30 minutes in the shower because I kept spacing out. The idea that is starting to form inside my head bothers me and I really need to shake this off my system.

Once all dressed and ready to leave to take the remaining things in my apartment, I saw a note with an envelope on top of Tay's kitchen counter.

"I didn't wake you up because you look tired. I had to leave for an early shoot and my manager picked me up, so feel free to use the car. I hope you can drive"

The note stated, it was from Tay. I almost smiled after reading that he seemed to care because he allowed me to borrow the car, but it faded the moment I read the entirety of the note.

"I left the money in the envelope, as promised, I'll pay you double"

He wrote, and I instantly felt a pinch in my heart.

"Right. It was a job after all"

I said to myself bitterly. I grabbed the money from the counter, leaving his car keys. I don't need his pity.


"You should've hired a van"

The driver remarked after placing the 4th box inside the back seat. I silently cursed him and regretted that I prioritize my pride and chose not to take Tay's car earlier. Everything will be easier if only I didn't let my emotions take charge. What am I sulking for anyway? Everything's indeed a business deal.

I ignored the driver and just entered the passenger seat when he entered the driver's seat and he started driving in silence.

Mr. Asshole:
I'll be late. Order yourself some dinner or cook.

The message I received from Tay. Why would he need to update me anyway? It's not as if I'll starve myself to death when he's not around.

I just locked my phone and decided not to give him a reply.


My back hurts more after carrying all the boxes up to Tay's flat. I can't even count how many times I cursed him in my head for letting me do this in the first place. If only he didn't force me to move in with him, I will not have to do some moving today. Especially not when he tire the hell out of me last night.


I groaned once I threw myself into the couch. I was panting and exhausted.

"Damn. I'm hungry"

I told myself, so I decided to get up to search for some food in Tay's kitchen.

I haven't actually explored this part of his house, and I was quite surprised to see how clean and organized it was. He's probably hiring someone to fix these, since there is no way a man like him will do such a thing.

Unlike what I expected, Tay's ref is loaded. No one will really starve here if a pandemic or a disaster breaks out. He has a lot of food stocks, and it's quite complete. From fruits to sweets and even alcohol. Name it and he'll probably have it.

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